Who here sits alone at lunch (and other options) and why do you prefer it

I sit with my D&D party and chat. We don’t do sessions during lunch but we still talk.

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I just sit with my friend group

Used to sit alone for a majority of middle school/ high school then decided “wow i’m a sad fuck” then decided to sit with random people and i have some friends now :smiley:


I bet they just TALK and don’t worry about judgement.

they’re far too hard to get though ngl.

don’t be a jerk and its quite easy to find people to be friends with.

I never eat alone because I have forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :male_sign:


OLEG sighted at 8:07 AM mountain time on the arcane odyssey forums

@Fish prepare documentation

no not really.

I’m not a jerk but.

the voices in my head seem to have other plans.

well. if that’s how you think.

once a loner, always a loner.

well thats just not true

Imagine being emo.
Imagine not having the courage to say hi to the kid reading that book at recess.
Imagine not being able to tell someone you really love them.
Imagine not introducing yourself to people in order to make friends.
Imagine not making friends.

Could not be me tbh.

Who are you…what are you? Where do you come from?

this feels targetted.

Most of that is based off of things I’ve actually done in real life.
But I haven’t met a beautiful woman that I really like yet so that one doesn’t count(the rest of them actually happened)

good for you.

talk to someone and tell them about yourself

you wouldn’t get it.


If you don’t make an attempt to make friends or find friends how will you allow yourself to sit alone? Do you want to be alone?
WHY do you want to be alone? What’s the benefit of being alone? Did someone hurt you? Can’t you see the bright side of things and make friends? Maybe they can help you.
If you don’t try, you fail.
Maybe your an introvert? Just because of that fact doesn’t mean you can’t find a good friend. You could try and find someone like minded in your class to be friends with. Maybe that person doesn’t exist.

You don’t have to take note of this, but it’s just my opinion/questions. Why sit alone when you have the potential to make a companion? You never know, that person could save your life one day.