Who is gonna win the Election

Funny thing is, the first president to get two consecutive terms didn’t really deserve it either.

Considering the state of our economy right now, I can’t say that I’d want Kamala to win. Pretty sure she shares most if not all of the same economic policies that Biden has, and stuff is already expensive enough as it is.

holy shit guys!

This is why you aren’t ESGOO

At a point long ago, I would’ve agreed with you; but understand that Trump isn’t nearly as great economically as many thought. For example, his tariffs did a number on the American farming industry, as they lost a lot of money due to being unable to export their products.

Also, most presidential policies—especially economic ones—are felt one or two presidencies down the line. The nation doesn’t just change overnight.

Election is unbelievably close and anything could happen atp

Currently trump is leading in PA, MI, GA, and WI. But its definitely possible that this is just a red mirage and by tomorrow mail in ballots could bring about a blue shift in kamala’s favor

I don’t doubt that, when it comes to country wide managing of the economy. Every policy is going to affect something else in a major way, one thing could benefit, another receives the short end of the stick.

Might be misremembering, but I’m pretty sure everyone in America felt when Biden removed subsidies for fossil fuels/oil. Although, at the time, there could’ve been some stuff going on with the OPEC countries increasing prices. I forgot that time to be honest, and I stopped getting into politics due to the bias and whatnot.

Yeah, you’re definitely right about that one, fair enough.

This has a map, but from what I can tell most of the democrat states already put in their votes. It remains to be seen, but Georgia is likely Republican. Pennsylvania and Arizona are leaning republican which is surprising to me but we’ll see how it goes.

holy shit a civil conversation on politics from opposing sides??? where are all the slurs???


it’s important to note though that a lot of ballots from blue cities in swing states haven’t yet been counted, so a shift blue is not out of the cards

SHUT YOUR MOUTH ###### ####### ##### ### ##### ##### ##### ######### ##### ####

Honestly, only really Minnesota, Michigan, and Arizona have the potential to swing. The entire far North East is likely going to be democrat as usual, and so will Nevada. We’ll see, but Pennsylvania is at 88% and leaning republican right now.

Yo no hablo en #'s

all I’m saying is that no matter the result, don’t be surprised

Huge chunk of Kamala’s votes is literally coming from the side next to New Jersey.

honestly michigan is more of a challenge to her than pennsylvania at this point

We’re all just so burnt out from this election that we don’t have the energy to mindlessly yell.

More room for change since it’s at 59%, it might end up being republican though since it’s leaning that way but we’ll see.

What’s up with Hawaii :skull:
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Alright, so let’s say a few states are guaranteed to be Democrat (Nevada, Minnesota, NH, Maine).
This adds up to 6 + 10 + 4 + 2 = 22 electoral votes.

Trump gets Georgia so +16 (as I was typing this Trump just got Georgia).

Kamala: 210 + 22 = 232
Trump: 230 + 16 = 246

It’ll come down to the swing states by this point, but if Trump wins Pennsylvania then that’s +19 for 246 + 19 = 265. Right now, we can say Wisconsin and Michigan could end up being taken by Trump. If trump wins Wisconsin or Michigan by this point, they win the election. Hell, even if they don’t win Pennsylvania, these two are leaning just enough towards Republican that if Michigan remains leaning Republican; just winning these two gives trump 271 electoral votes.