Who is Yuuron?

I don’t think I’m gonna bother stalking you only to find out that the “370k+” is just mainly common junk

I did say this.

There is no guarantee that it is actually going to be that, I am definitely doubting you, and this is the chance to prove me wrong by sending a screenshot of your inventory

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leave the new user alone or im calling you element from now on

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You already call me “element”, and no I just want to see his inventory

no element

why, i dont even know your roblox user lmao
you could just send screenshots in my dms if you dont want them seen publically ig :man_shrugging:

Thanks Awesome :fr:

I don’t want to share my inventory. That’s it.

imagine not sharing inventories smh

sounds like a poor issue :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I had planned to create a clan called Meiyami,a clan for people from Latin America and Spain since we have little or no presence,but I don’t know if following the idea would be a neglected clan and I don’t want to make a discord.

this was to be the symbol59383_2

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I dunno how successful that’ll be considering latin america shares servers with the united states, and spain is on the other side of the world

Roblox don’t mind that, you can be from Japan but go out on a server in Africa


China roblox :weary:

Welcome to the forum!

You see, here on the forum. I give out pie to new people!

…I’ve been doing that for a very long time… so, I thought I should start trying some new ways to do it!

Here is a pie… but I’m bringing it ON MY HEAD!


Don’t mind the background



That’s good and all but a fraction of thinggy’s worth

this means nothing everything is a fraction of thinggy’s worth