Who’s the fastest being in all of fiction?

hi ui omen and theoofderp

me :moyai:

damn :pensive:

God has beyond inf speed, gg

we’ve never seen the cameraman and god in the same room.

same thing

The supreme kaio can travel between universes almost instantly, although any dragon ball character that is faster than Goku SSJ falls into this category

“15 seconds to go before namek explodes”

cameraman runs alongside to videotape supreme kaio.

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because they’re the same person

hmmmm. I’ll ponder that

me reacting to a light beam attack and blocking it makes me faster than light gg.


AO light is slow asf

actual light would be like just instant damage. magic circle appears and then in less time then it takes to fire a single blast you could fire a 20 blast and there is no dodging its just so fast.

Probably even faster.

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