Who would win

Sorry but Morock Solos.

Torren can destroy the entire solar system.
Morock is superior to Torren in all aspects.

This, then means that Morock is able to destroy an entire solar system, including a star.

Morock would just destroy the planet Elsa is on, then because of his curse would not need to breathe.

With his Promethean Fire he could keep himself warm and fly across space.

Morock solos.


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Morock (The Real one) is not canon so I can use other non-canon characters from his era to use relativity.

Morock is doing this regardless as of AO

If your bullshitting then Elsa gets to do that too
Elsa is being upgraded to
Spiderman and Elsa

freaky gooner depart from me as of NOW!


Did I scare you?

Nvm we gotta kill you now


Says you

Bro drowned Morock :skull:

sorry that isnt real

not mine, my jar has morock when he was still alive :yawning_face:


Bro sent Morock to another plan…

Though I fear to ask what the white “gooey” stuff in there is… :fearful:

Promethean Flame Condensate

The good Ending :+1:

would elsa or frozone win

Frozone is much faster and can freeze his opponents

frozone trains and elsa just sits around all day
translation: frozone is buff and elsa is a big back

promethean splash!!! :milk_glass: