Who would win

You forgot the part where he drank anti-freeze


Acheron would honestly win this even before the events of AA. He literally wiped 80% of humanity before his peak, and her best feat is just (arguably) making it winter when it shouldn’t be.

Elsa wouldn’t stand a chance, Durza is literally responsible for the Dark Sea. Elsa would be quite literally effed if they ever wound up in a battle against each other.

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And she did that on accident, dont forget that part

Don’t forget who crossed the Dark Sea

Counter point this video clearly says “tries to” implying she failed

Counter counter point:

Look at her go


Counter counter counter point: that’s clearly not even the real dark sea there’s no constant rain or magical storms, it’s just a normal ocean at nighttime. Smh.

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Super duper counter point:

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ultra counter point: She may have crossed the Dark Sea, but she will never beat Durza.

in fact, he might just absorb her magic

Have you seen Theos cross the Dark Sea? Didn’t think so.

She’s too strong + has the will to fight

Theos died during it’s creation bozo

Doing something by accident does not mean something can be done more efficiently on purpose. She didn’t go “woops I fell and froze a whole nation” it was only through immense emotional turmoil that it happened. She is not shown to have any major control over that ability I think.

he didnt?

Theos dodged

by the end of the movie she basically can fully control it, which would only make her stronger than towards the beginning when she has less control

oh mb

In this case is Elsa’s magic a separate magic from a different magic system or is it fitting to ao rules? (Magic can hurt Durza but can also consequently be stolen)