Why are people complaining about the update recently released?

yeah…the ao community is kinda unappreciative of how hard vetex works…


Times like these makes me miss the prime AO community (Pre-AO) aka WoM


wish i was there

They actually appreciated vetex’s work

because its MID AS HELL


half the things we expected didn’t get added(maybe it’s our fault for thinking everything on balancing doc would be added by release, but still)

diving spots are mid too

did I mention now there are actual gangs of racist sharks waiting for players to dip their toes in the water?

game seems to have gotten laggier

optimization changes? whats that?(only added server timer which ig is good but some servers are still laggy even if they’re new(we expected remove textures, server region list, stuff like that)

there are probably more that I forgot about


conjuror and warrior are seemingly left untouched besides the size removal(warrior), my sand conj deals the same dmg with the same AOE and my warrior has almost identical AOE with MORE dmg(probably because he made level 120 items deal more dmg)
speed buff is only slightly noticeable
hey, at least he nerfed pulsar!(:frpensive: goodbye meta mages :fu: )
exhaustion didn’t get added
warrior compensation ideas didnt get added
lightning(which was supposed to be meta) didn’t get it’s damage buff apparently?

so yeah new update is mid as hell :smiley:

Block parry dodge

we block, parry, dodge.(underwater btw)(with 7 sharks ready to gang you)(in the sus way)

There was one time where i went to try the underwater structures and 2 white eyes appeared

fun fact you might not have known: criticism is a good thing


they were prepared to violate you :skull:

Heyyyyyy. Were you just trying to find underwater treasure in Ohio?


Iirc there were a decent amount of complaints with every WoM update, the community was just smaller so the amount of complainers were smaller as well

I seemed to stumble across where their search history is

lol I know that guys video

The only way you escape it is by parrying their bites (negates to -195 damage if its a pb)

It’s not that they’re complaining really just wishing for improvements and wanting to see the game become better than it is now, so basically criticism.

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Pretty sure I’ve said this before on another topic but Vetex did take around a month or so off (correct me if I’m wrong). Now while that is justified, I feel like he based update progress as if he was working on them with that extra month or a half a month’s worth of time. I can basically guarantee that if Vetex had one more week he would’ve touched up on these things a lot more, especially the combat balance changes.