Why do you lose so much infamy on death?

damn you couldnt compare it to something else at least?

ok yeah but what about the soul of a ginger
(the joke is that they don’t have one)

well to the warped and corrupted mind of a clan member, your life certainly isn’t worth more than a digital video game island.
I say warped and corrupted because upon joining a clan in any ROBLOX game, not just AO, it’s scientifically proven your brain shrinks at a rapid pace over time, vastly lowering your intelligence, acting similarly to a brain parasite.
stay above the influence kids, don’t join clans.


Well, all of the information for this is available online, surprisingly!
All you have to do is go to google and type in “Arcane Odyssey Inflation”.
IMPORTANT: If you search this up, make sure to search by images, you can get context quicker that way.

ngl broski, this sounds like some deep-seated racism

I don’t really use the forums anymore but I have come online to say one thing.

Skill Issue.


I may be stupid, but not stupid enough to believe this.

I take a break, come back to 13 replies about me supposedly being racist because I’m awful at similes sometimes

idk bro corporations do not care about human life
like have you seen the inside of an apple cobalt mine

Can confirm about the corporations not giving two left pisses about people (I.e. Nestlé), but I don’t see any mention about corpos anywhere in the main copypasta itself.

Wait apple cobalt mine? Thought it was the elongated husk that had one.

Don’t join the circus become the audience:

nah bro i’m the dude walking around the stands selling popcorn

that there’s your answer
also sandal be fuckin’ tweaking holy shit

why is this on fuckiing google images bro


this is what you get for allowing sandal to draw dickbutt on gartic

clans :coffee:

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clans :coffee:

there was an image where they kissed and i was going to put it here but i can’t find it

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foreign companies/countries (belgium) trying not to abuse the shit out of citizens of the congo challenge (impossible)