Why does vetex act like a dictator

You never had the problem where an npc just get stuck underground due to silly terrain?

Yeah he does (like a good boy)

im not sure why he’s naming the nimbus sky islands the nimbus lands :sob: like yeah its a play on nimbus meaning cloud but sounds boring

What should it be called? Aeolia?

temporarily, yeah
usually they free themselves within like 10 seconds though
(I also have never done the fort castrum raid)

And the fact that vetex made it the new norm that you can’t dmg NPC’s through walls :frowning:

aw yep

nimbus nimbus lands :fire:

its cause we used to abuse kai for levels

yeah thats quite annoying

Then only apply it to Kai? :(((

fort castrum tho

you can still do that though :3

Teach me

how dawg!

progressing is painfully boring

Why are we discussing about vetex’s development of AO? The thread is about his authoritarian tendencies guys.

gunpowder barrels
I think you need 4 or 5, then you just use a placed explosion to explode them all at once and enjoy your exp

Should get less boring as time go on and more stuff is added. Like the kingdom stuff

then clear your rep and do it all over again