Why I think Noble is going to lose(Infamy-Wise)

in ao you can capture islands :yawning_face:

I know, we’ve already established that.

what’s currently the topic on hand is that we expect you to be winning upon it’s release.

as well as a bunch of noble winning jokes
i kinda miss them

noble winning

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yes so can the other guilds


People say Suncry Winning but suncry already lost, Here’s why


your leader is a pedophile.

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mans shouldve left that shit to the professionals

everybody 3 months ago saying “noble losin’”

but the truth is
everyone losin’

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woah what the fuck??

Well shit. This is extremely damning. The first post was a lot, but god fucking damn. This is the shotgun to the heart.


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i was trying to keep an open mind about this but shit man that guy is fucked up

what the actual fuck

noble losin :troll:

He is no longer the leader of Suncry. He had been permanently banned and will most likely be banned from the forums too. There’s nothing more to say.

watch him come back on a new slate tryna act completely different


Boi the post was 3 fucking months old you could’ve made a new topic instead of replying to a 3 months old post when I wasn’t even in suncry bruh
