Will there be a promethean fire spirit weapon?

Ok so obviously promethean fire the magic is retconned, but presumably Prometheus had the ability to control his god magic still (promethean fire, cursed earth, etc.) and therefore would be able to bless a spirit weapon with it, so the question is will a spirit weapon with a promethean fire SYNERGY and EFFECT (not stats) exist, and if so, will there be a msof skill reference in its moveset

Summon the promethean willy and promethean discharge all over your enemies.

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Get on quotables NOW

Do you think there will be one though

I would have loved to agree, but Vetex saying Promethean Flame is just not canon, I can’t help but think he wouldn’t say that if we were getting a Promethean Flame spirit weapon.

He said promethean flame MAGIC isn’t canon, but the god powers have to be canon or else gods are just… juiced up normal people

Well, Cursed Earth and Promethean Flame ARE magics, they’re just not ones that others get to have.

Yeah exactly, but like how Zeus can bless a spirit weapon with regular lightning, he can also bless one with his god power too right?

You might be onto something. Maybe it’s not actually real lightning magic, maybe it’s just Zeus’s piss on a spirit weapon. But that would mean that Prometheus gets a forethought-imbued weapon.

I mean true, but spirit weapons with lost/ancient magics and then god powers would be the perfect natural progression of losts and ancient methods of attack compared to normal ones.

I’m thinking that spirit weapons will all be based upon gods that already have a corresponding magic to their god power, and Prometheus doesn’t have one, especially not now.

He literally does though, he also has all 3 or more (vetex said so) grand fire magics to choose from, but promethean fire would be the coolest

yeah but those still aren’t god powers, those are magics. They need to be god powers to justify only gods being able to make them.
And remind to you, Prometheus is the god of forethought.

They aren’t anymore though. It’s “too op”

Certainly sucked at his job then lmao (also he’s a titan not a god)

I think only promethean flame was discontinued. We still have Scorch, Inferno (duh!), and Aethereal.

Same difference.

No the titans were marginally less inbred

Actually Prometheus wasn’t inbred at all, being he was the direct child of Gaia and Ouranus.

This is the lore reason why he was able to beat Zeus :100:

it is not :sob: