Will you be taking the COVID vaccine

We might need another one since I believe the first case of the UK mutation arrived to the U.S. in Colorado

No since it’s only the first mutation there are high chances for the vaccine to work on this mutation also

i might be infected with covid because of one of my parents so no

Nah Fuck COVID, literally a nothingburger.
I say let people with preexisting conditions die, they are burden to society anyways.


I have no empathy for people who negatively contribute to economy, US could eliminate Income Tax and still end up with money to pay debt if you had no retard social programs.

Seems sketch so no

I have 4 reasons why Im not taking it.

  1. I have allergies so who knows how bad my body is gonna react to it.

  2. Covid is only dangerous to people with preexisting conditions or just people who are unhealthy.

  3. Just like getting a new console some people usually wait before getting new stuff to avoid a faulty product.

  4. Ive already heard some people react to the vaccine pretty badly so no.

How is everyone here scared of the vaccine more than the actual virus?

For someone with allergies the vaccine could easily fuck up your body lol. While having the virus you have a pretty fucking low deathrate if your healthy.

Just no.

I am pro-vaccine all the way but since this is something new and rushed, I am very skeptical of it

Probably not. I’m not in a risk group, the case numbers around here hardly rise unless it’s cold, it’s a fucking coronavirus, like the flu is, so it’s pretty much a chance it even keeps you from getting a different mutated strain, and it only lasts for 3 months.
3 months. That’s fucking ridiculous to call it a vaccine if it’s only for 3 months.

This is a reply I agree with entirely. Although my skepticism lies in the UK trial that basically was a massive botch, and the fact it lasts only like half or one fourth the time the flu vaccine lasts

You’re high lmao

An Australian COVID vaccine got rolled back for HIV False Positive…

the virus kills 0.02% of the population, most with preexisting conditions or the elderly.
the vaccine causes more weird shit to people like me and Im skeptical due to it being rush.

Simple answer: Yes because I believe in the science.

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  • Believe…in science?
    I thought science was based on unrefutable proof?
    Send me study of COVID vaccine and I shall look through the methods, conflict of interest, results, and most importantly…sponsors

I figure its better than having nothing, especially since I have already had COVID I don’t see why taking the vaccine could be dangerous or fruitless.

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you can still get it and even if you dont die from it, you can still spread it towards others who are more vulnerable.
Even if the vaccine doesnt prevent you from getting the virus its still a good band-aid against it.