WMDrayal's art thread ( and shtposting... mostly shtposting )

I’m always watching.

Seren, Lord of Northern Gales

fck i forgot the feathers

nvm they are behind her head, less job for me

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Love the way you’re able to draw characters with flat colors and minimal shading! :melting_face:

thank you

i shall never do this again ( i will )

Oh wait, what are these?

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magic circle for her elemental series… which ive completely forogt…

havent see you in a while, hope youre doing well

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Ah, I see. And yeah, I’m doing fine.
I’m in college now, but still fine.

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had a bit too much fun playing around with light and shading


drop the icons whenever you get the chance, no rush

i can start on them today or so

might take a little longer and they might look slightly tho since i lost the “primordial source”

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here you go


thx g


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i now understand that i have limits as a mortal

We only last so long…

may i interest you in a spider old enough to be your great grandmother

i could write the word on the cup using the canon language

or i can just, stop being a masochist

World’s Best MotherENTOR