Which two of us survived
i havent even beat the damn wolf yet i dont want to imagine how worse the upper floors will get
Some are easier and some are harder, that is all I have to say
how did you unlock hokma before doing the lower floor realizations
like ik you can get a sotc before then but personally i didnt start sotc until after netzach’s realization
just wait until keter
The Series is finally back
Good job on the Netzach realization, it only gets harder from there.
Except for like Binah’s, you can just brute force through the gimmicks according to my friends
Yes you can, but i think it’s only a last resort to brute force it if you can’t be bothered to keep failing again.
i gunned the fck down the queen of hatred plus some bleed so they arent wrong lol
pretty sure binah and gebura floors trivialize thing too
which is why im not gonna use them
i realized the first 3 floors, guess that was enough?
It’s Binah, Gebura, and Yesod who serve as the unga bunga trio. So if you want fights to actually be challenging don’t use them
yeah yesod ego goes crazy
red mist combat pages + keypage are probably some of the strongest in the game ngl
The age old tactic of lone fixer + myongest prowess
one step closer to the Iron Maiden
probably will do gear church next with hod bleed team, then malkuth burn team for r corp ( clueless )
Church of gear pages are pretty damn good
anyway, Red Mist is next
since shes a boss id probably gonna use literature floor again since bleed is especially effective with them due to their high stagger bar ( i think ? )
cant use Hod so its a 1v4, Binah and Gebura’s floor is barely completed and have no EGO so probably wont use them. Roland’s… yeah, nah
surely, she cant be that hard
gg bro.
wmdrayal’s last words before disaster strikes:
Assuming you don’t plan to cheese her using Yesod or Binah, it’s a very difficult fight