WoM Forumers get added in SMASH!

One of us. One of us. One of us

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add me dumbass or you will be the surviving family member
(this is a joke alri?)

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aye gg congrats

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Uh oh suncry

user rainbowbunny930
(nice outfit :troll:)

Shiiit, I donā€™t want to ruin this with my edge. (Roblox username: Xekitan)

all of these are cool. (user: raekurane)



Which character should I choose?

yoooo thats pretty dope

My roblox username is Fiter120

Noober :flushed:

Here is my entry

Here is the quote: ā€œCasualā€¦ I guessā€


username is Joseph6971
the best way to remember my username is to remember the word ā€œuncreativeā€

FirstNamer, give me a good description so that I can be used o(=Ā“āˆ‡ļ½€=)o

Oh, I know who to add!

Add doublerun

i hate ice; add me in

actually better yet
Tell me the game you used to do this.


epic moment

PowerTheImaginitve :sunglasses:

make the quote ā€œdevo hereā€

also add techlevel and make his quote :ā€œis it on the trello?ā€