WoM PvE "Difficulty" Issue

Also entire point of this discussion is pointless because of TGR

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yes fighting styles better :+1:
we want fighting styles NOWW

pve was never really difficult considering how easy it is to cheese the npcs, the auto-aim can be easily throw off by spamming left and right key, and getting enemies stucks somewhere and spamming placed is a easy way to “win against npcs”, and yeah making the pvp more like AA is much better

do you already have a good idea of what you plan to change in the tgr update?

One of the most annoying things about enemies is their disregard for their own life

runs toward 1,000 degree fireball at full speed

ngl tho i’m hyped for tgr, it seems like it will be worth the wait

Yeah, I have a very long list and as soon as the Halloween Update comes out I’m going to add it to a checklist on the trello


very cool

that’s nutty good luck with yo shit :sunglasses:

maybe you should make the checklist for the tgr update private so people don’t shit themselves wh

The tgr will take a while, but afterwards, along with other updates, I feel like WoM will become a decently popular game on Roblox

idc how long it takes as long as it’s out, it could take double the estimated time I wouldn’t care bro

but yea the update surely will make the game a lot of better

wizards with weapons would be cool.
Gunslingers may exist later, once guns get added (They’re confirmed to be made by a few people, even in the age of Magius)
Once Dark Wizards get multiple minds, combat is gonna get REAL fucking cool and validly challenging.
Hell, more bosses are clearly gonna be added later, maybe similar non-boss enemies with custom skills could exist too? (Or perhaps mini-bosses?)
Oh, and fighting style update. Imagine having to fight martial artists.

The game will be lit when it does reach a point where all that is added

Vietnam flashbacks to obelitsco

did I spell that right?

enemies that use guns may exist, but guns are a tad too rare to have common enemies use them

That combined with the fact that hiding in trees is a legit strat…

I completely agree. If Vetex is able to focus on the big problems in WoM, the game will shoot up, and probably get in the popular game category.

thats spelt right yes
also that place sucked

While true, rare spawning bandit faction with guns/marauder crew with guns when

maybe high ranking bandits could have them