Womp womp

More people to dilute the community. New faces always welcome. Shitheads are the ones to be kept out

time to make a new game again and abandon the last :sleepy:

What would bring in new players then? Surely i think kingdom alignment

re-branding the game as a Fairy Tail or some other anime game and making it the generic m1 combat :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:

Just add “giant neon rainbow unicorn goku laser god toilet clockhead man” as a 1 in skibidillion chance of being dropped from defeating the new captain GYATTicus :money_mouth_face: boss in vimid :sleeping: sea

ON @FridgeUchiha’s SOUL Arcane odyssey is gonna give free sunken when we hit 1B visits it 2 months

arcane odyssey is not getting 100million more visits in two months bud :sob::pray:

900 million buddy

Either renaming the game to Arcane Battlegrounds or Arcane RNG

Then all of the 12 year olds and gambling addicts will come flowing in

oh im stupid sorry

Put RP in there for the 8 year olds too