World of Magic - Information Guide to all 23 Elemental Magics

Fixed, thanks for pointing this out.

meta fix that clashing shit on magics, it’s outdated. Like it says acid wins 9 clashes and loses 5, but it wins 10 and loses 6 in the chart. same goes for some other magics

glass cannons aren’t common, but they also aren’t that rare to the point of completely disregarding the 33 percent damage effects.

for that 33% to happen both would have to be glass cannons, which is even rarer. but yeah it would make a small difference in that case, but in a battle where 3 shots decide the outcome, and also taking in just how fast the match will end, the 0.25x bonus DoT is rather insignificant. but yeah in the end it’s up to your perspective on how detailed you want to be, so I understand your view on this, personally I don’t care about that 33% not being included in the overall damage section

So under sand it says that it does 10% more against burning, and 30% less against burning. I think the 10% more is true, as I see it in the trello as well. Just a small thing to fix.

just as TF2 said, and since that was an issue, I dug through some of these categories, and noticed another error. On frozen it says +50% from explosion and -10% from explosion.

I greatly appreciate the time and effort that went into making this. Thank you.

Some magics have had their damage reduced without being written in patch notes (live in TU only as of now), but I’ve calculated the new multipliers already.
The following magics have had their impact damage reduced:

  • Fire (-0.05)
  • Magma (-0.075)
  • Lightning (-0.025)
  • Light (-0.05)
  • Plasma (-0.05)

Please keep in mind that these changes are NOT final and may be changed before the update’s release. I will update this post a day before the update.


hm, yes 3 light’s nerf in 1 month. next update light’s impact damage downgraded to 0.5

Many of these magics owe their strength to the bugged behaviour of power - plasma and light are unusual candidates for nerfs when they’ve got a big one coming round the corner.

Are these magics updated on the document, or will you be making that change once the update hits main servers?

I’ll be making the change to the documents when the fishing update is complete.

In regards to the nerfs, it was needed for both Plasma and Fire to compensate for having the DoT with the most DPS (if they were to be reapplied immediately after ending).

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light magic is about to become shit tier again, alright bois.

meta in sand it says it deald 10% more to burning targets and 30% less to burning targets. And on frozen it says explosion does 50% more dmg and that explosion does 10% less damage. fix it bruh

Thanks, fixed.

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Bumping this since I have updated it.


Spotted a typo - did you remember to update the prose for the updated magics?

Magma Magic, one of the most popular of elemental magics, has a lot of advantages for being the only heavy liquid magic. It deals the same impact damage as Earth, has DoT on top of it, and beats even the heaviest of elemental magics.

Also the statistical/damage notes document still has outdated information about how stats scale.
Even if we don’t know how the scaling works yet, we should remove the old info since it’s misleading.

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I’ll make these changes. Thanks for reminding me.

magma does 60% more damage to bleeding targets. after I used Rising tide which gives the bleed to them, I dealt 60% more dmg to npcs

Power upgrades from gear are dependent from damage multipliers from adjusted magic spell stats, meaning that a placed explosion, which has a damage multiplier of 0.6x, wouldn’t also multiply the power stats from gear, only the player’s base magic power. The same goes for spell changes that cause it to do more damage than normal. This will however be changed in the near future.

Looks like you changed the first line but forgot to change the others - the paragraph conflicts with itself.

Also I assume we don’t have the exact formula used for scaling (otherwise it’d be in the sheet)?
Would be real nice - how best to test for it? Off the top of my head, the only stat you can accurately test is Destruction, but that’s really difficult to test precicely. Maybe magic speed? Not sure how much lag plays into that.

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On the section for plasma it says plasma petrifies charred targets but it doesn’t say that on the section for the petrified status effect