World of Magic | The Silent Tower

wom reborn when

for safety measure.

absolutely adore this and it makes me miss WoM and what could have been :sob: :sob: :sob: cant wait to see your take on summer hold tho

Remaking WoM or just chilling in studio?

Averill is sick and tired of paying for the silent tower damages

is there a discord where I can see the progress

are you planning to use these builds for anything? or just for show

nah, I just post my work to the forums whenever they are finished

Mate please tell me you doing WoM rework

So far it’s just going to be a remake of the map (and some additions). Might change in the future though

This is such high quality, it honestly looks better than most real world buildings with a similar style I’ve seen.
it might be worth adding wooden beams to hold up the ceiling in some larger rooms.

This looks very good, i like your made up ranks.

Posting this a bit late because I made this as part of the Whispering Forest. These are the last screenshots I want to show off of this area. :slight_smile:


Imposing tower worth of the magic council

I loved it so much, I hope World Of Magic Reborn comes out freaking awesome!

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