If you think those are authentic, you either have never touched AO in your life, or you’re trolling rn.
He has 5k bounty at lvl 54, and 24 minutes. To get 5k bounty at a lvl that low so quickly he’d have to focus the majority of those 24 minutes doing crimes.
But if he focused on doing crimes, then that’d mean he got to lvl 54 in less than 24 minutes, which is literally impossible.
Even if he 100% every island in the north, that’d take more than 24 mins.
Aint no way. Im speaking to an actual brick wall
Read my sentence… Then read it once again. Keep reading it until you read the “Unless”. In the English language, that is a word used for hypotheticals…
-1000 aura for trying to fact check someone when you can’t read
We also can’t forget the removal of repeatable quests, so he’d actually have to get these levels from exploration, which is impossible because the most money you can gather in 24 minutes as a newbie is only enough for a sailboat. So erm…???
Continuing from this, at that level he would be completely unable to obtain items that increase his ship speed, so even reaching these quests would take 1/2 of his time, if not 3/4.
it’s funny how I instantly get framed for defending an exploiter when I was only calling out OP for having a very persistent tone throughout the whole post
The post itself is very questionable. Why would OP not have made an EXPLOITER REPORT on VETCORD instead of posting it here? Aside from stats, friendlist and claiming to have “heard kill aura” there is no other evidence supporting their claim
People also theorized here that those stats are possible by cheesing with barrels.
hard to take you seriously when your posts are written like ragebait
try to use basic human decency
That is an actually fair argument, OP was stupid for doing that. That doesn’t change the fact that the evidence very clearly shows that the user in question was entirely cheating.
If you want me to be so nice, let me break down why this is illogical and only proves you don’t know what you’re talking about
With 24 minutes, a solid 1-2 minutes are wasted on the journey from Dawn Island to Redwake.
On Redwake, a solid 3-4 minutes are wasted on forced quests which force you around the island.
2.5) If he did decide to go sail to either Whitesummit or Silverhold, he would at most be able to have achieved 1 kill, then fall into the issue that I have already said. If he doesn’t rejoin, then he doesn’t do that all in 24 minutes, because barrel respawn speeds are slow. If he DOES rejoin, then he respawns at either Redwake or Dawn island. With only a Rowboat.
We also need to remember that he somehow had reached the Dark Sea. Which means he wasn’t grinding the entire time. He somehow either sailed around Pelion Rift, or went East of Whitesummit to reach it. With either a Rowboat or basic un-upgraded Sailboat, that takes 5 minutes from Redwake and 7 from Dawn Island.
So with at minimum 9 minutes wasted not even going past lvl 10, this user reaches an issue. He has to find a way to reach lvl 54 in that amount of time left. Even with a mini-boss cheese, he only gets about 3 lvls, because alot of xp normally gained from them is by landing damage. This also runs into the previously mentioned issue, he has to spawn at either Redwake or Dawn Island.
All around, it’s not possible to reach lvl 54 in that amount of time. It very much simply isn’t.
Kind Stranger, just for you from now on I will be very nice in my messages
they arent.
unless he had a full squad of people collect every explosive barrel in the server, pack it all into a brig, and do fucking relays to place the barrels after every kill,(by the way, literally no one was at silverhold whenever i checked in that server, and im pretty sure the only time i saw someone it was someone flying) and even then that would probably still take 30+ minutes to do it enough to get level 40
i didn’t cause i’d prefer to actually have a video of them doing it, not just a stat page.
that and it’s very likely either the anti-cheat or someone else will catch them.
I find it funny how you don’t understand that you need proofs to ban someone and basic stats are not enough for that. Lol, any kind of situation could have happened. (Situation when I was thinking that Legendarex was macro fishing due to abnormal stats is a great showcase. People immediately found the way to prove me wrong)
Lets talk about this situation in theory. Even if you ban someone only because of their stats, they could just come and appeal. They can easily make up some stupid impossible story on how they did so and you WILL HAVE TO PROVE that it is impossible, otherwise they are innocent. (Or they can prove that it is possible and then you will feel bad for the time wasted for ban itself and appealing time)
In real life we cannot pick a person which was homeless yesterday, but is driving expensive car today and call him a thief. Anything could have happened.
That’s damn simple. And I am not even gonna look into your arguements because there are no videos or screenshots of this guy using cheats, just a bit of ragebait + bucket of assumptions.
P.S. - If someone still thinks that I am defending this exact dude, then you are wrong. I am talking about the entire situation of banning people for their stats without any other proofs. (Old Kai’s method doesn’t counts cuz it was bug-abusing and there were almost no other methods, but even then, I am sure that there were hundreds of appeals before it was fixed)
@skittlesnakes If you don’t learn how to be civil, then I will just leave you alone with your ragebaits.
Have anyone even thought of 2 kind friends, who could have given him 100-200 dark sealeds to make funny speedrun and look at the consequences? Or I missed some change about sealed chests?
not even that long ago someone with thousands of fish caught but had a 100% catch rate was banned (exploiting)
stats speak for themselves most of the time
I mean i can speed run decently fast takes a good 7 minutes to clear out game start to redwake with optimal speed. if i buy a sail boat takes about a minute to get to frostmill. you can clear out frostmill in about 6 minutes if you group the npc’s and skip enizors dialogue with another quest. after frostmill you should be about level 25. that leaves 10 minutes to get the other 52 levels. if we give him the benefit of the doubt and say he had 29 minutes of gameplay (since at 30 it would be 0.5) then he has 15 minutes to double his level. stepstones takes way to long and you can’t do any of the sky island quests so he must have done kai or something. if he did do sky islands he should have been around level like 40 with the max time given.
this is all with optimal tactics. he could have maybe been glitched into DS.