Worst Trades that You Received

wanna pic of my items :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

yes please

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Sneak peak :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Screenshot 2020-09-20 at 2.36.52 AM

lmao, thats pretty good. Thanks for the chuckle

i have waaaay more but i just got this today


Kinda the opposite of what the post asks, but once, I offered a Hard Vastira + Swift Oathkeeper + full set of Exiled armor, all for a Sunken Sword (mostly as a joke) and the guy actually accepted the trade? I still don’t know how I pulled that off honestly-

i don’t trade valuable stuff…

most of my trades were excellent cuz i had a bajillion wizard robe stuff in my 20k crown worth inventory. I contributed to the criminal society by giving it to them lmao

dam all that is FAIR holy


I don’t usually take pictures of trades so I only have old ones I posted on discord before. Keep in mind those were the best and pretty much the rarest items at that time by a considerable amount.

Like the next picture was one of the best trade you could ever get… which I also got randomly.

Did you get those legit or did you exploit?

I’ve received many bad trades, but these were the only pictures that I managed to find.
image image
And there’s also the time when I received a cursed trade.

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ehhh maybe you’ll never know

Well, then. If you got those legit you must have a ton of free time and patience.

If you exploited, though.
Then screw you.

I don’t have a screenshot, but someone wanted to trade me 2 wizard robes and a strong Castilian bow (That I can’t even use because I’m Visterian) for my strong sunken helmet and swift oathkeeper lol


first question is how did you get that many sunken helmets lol-

That one actually isn’t that bad they offered you Oaths.

trading is a powerful tool my friend