Worst Trades that You Received

how the heck-

How. Is. That. Good.

That pvp set took me months to find and enchant

An oathkeeper takes like 3 hours tops of grinding and a little luck

Because oathkeeper is worth alot? And wizard set is a common set you could just hop servers and easily find it in 30 minutes with the good enchants too

No but I took so long finding the right colors and everything oathkeeper is easy to get

then you’re just lucky. It’s not easy to get from the chances. Plus merchants and smugglers exist, still like a 30 minute ordeal. Still way easier to get wizard gear then a boss drop. You should’ve taken that :man_shrugging:

Why tf do you have to be so particular tho?

Because I like details

Seems like a waste of time and an oathkeeper but you do you ig.

I already have oathkeeper on my wood file, I don’t think acids bleed synergy isn’t anything special

You could use it for something like a strength setup tho. Just the fact of it’s high alone and how much you would gain from that trade is appealing enough to me but again, to each their own. :nod:

@Obama gaming

Its Obama, he an top pvper


Don’t have a screenshot but someone traded me level 50 iron plain armor and some nimble amulets for my strong sunken sword AND headless


Some people have sent me a trade request for my Minotaur helmet for nothing in return at least twice. I’m guessing they’re hoping I’d accidentally click on the accept trade button?

oh i once got a headless for 3k crowns

I don’t even know what to say
