Worst Trades that You Received

Guy did it on his own behalf.
2020-10-03 (5)

cant blame him, you almost never get the exact amulet that you need without trading

is it a problem that i have like 9 dull defense amulets and 5 dull power amulets

u can buy iron armor from shops, it’s actually not that good of a trade

u can buy iron armor from shops

Welp, he tried
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if I took a screenshot of every bad trade I received… my pc would run out of space within a week

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No picture but someone tried to buy my headless head for 500 crowns. I Declined outright.

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lmao what-

500 crowns heh wHA

Similar one here, someone tried to buy my headless with 400 crowns and minotaur leggings

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One time, someone tried paying in random common items for my clean sunken sword and defended it as a fair trade as “You have spares so you don’t need it”.

Another time, someone tried to buy my headless for ~1100 crowns and some common items (not rotten though), then tried to buy my July 4th Seasonals for the same amount.

After that, someone straight up asked for my clean sunken sword on the premises of “You’re not using it so give it to me” and said “ugh” when I declined.

Someone tried to buy my Oathkeeper for 1000-2000 crowns + some fishes, and tried to kill me when I declined by ambushing me while I was in the middle of a bossfight.

Basically, incompetent trades and traders are everywhere.


Reading yours made me remember one.
Someone once tried to buy my sunken sword for “alot” of crowns

I’m assuming it was around 1000 crowns.

why do all bad trades have something enchanted on swift

clean sunken sword for mino boots

bruh lol what was the dude thinkin-

He tried


some guy offered crowns and trash for my swift sunken sword…
