Worst Trades that You Received

Do those inflated July 4th items still exist?


Yea I have seen some people with like 500-700 of each, but not that many people.
I can’t remember if the people that did it ever even got punished for it, i’d assume they did.

most got deleted, but stashes still exist

his forum shop lol

i accepted


Ayo the guy said he wanted anything for the his headless so I started at the bottom to see what he wanted.

maybe he just baiting you :troll:

This is the most horrifying thing i’ve ever read

Somebody offered me swift sunken sword for my headless and killed me when I declined


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Wind user?


Yep Imao

Oh okay u were probably there

Yeah, I’m 90% sure that was Frez.


Probably. I can’t believe they would think i’m going to accept ANYTHING for that head, not even if the sword was strong. The headless head will rise and the sunken will plummet in value over time.


It likely wasn’t fair, but a swift sunken sword is better than most trades I’ve seen for the headless. The real issue was being eliminated for not accepting a trade.

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Yeah. I’m not trading that headless anytime soon, especially to someone who killed me out of salt that he couldn’t get a gain off an unfair trade.

I’mma trade that headless one day for a death magic scroll

That is a fairly sound financial plan, considering how the value of a headless head will spike in AO due to all of the new players coming in who have never done the event and the increasing amount of headless heads being collected by a few people.


Lol their username makes sense they are silly :yum: