Would it be possible to read all topics on this forum?

I’m curious if it is possible to have read every single post on this forum. This includes topics from all categories, from game-discussion to off-topic to the 1 singular patron post.

Some criterias for being “read”
-A post is considered read when you reach the bottom by naturally scrolling with your mouse wheel or use arrow keys.
-Dragging the scroll bar down to skip to the bottom does not count.
-If there is a new reply you must re-read the topic from where you left off.

Basically, is it possible to 100% the forum?
And has anyone done it?

Theoretically, it should be possible, but it wouldn’t last unless posting replies and making new topics stops working for a time.
In practice, I am fairly sure nobody has done that yet.

Some topics are hidden so this is impossible if you want to read them all but yeah you can look at any that are still up.

no, and yes


Probably CrimsonCreate, he seems like that kind of guy.

Short answer: It’s next to impossible to read every single forum post. There’s an unthinkable amount of hidden and obscure topics that would take an insane amount of time and effort to go through.

A bit less than a year ago, I got the ambition to become one of the most-read users of all time on the forum. Over the summer I read countless posts, and eventually was able to find my ‘rhythm’ for binge reading the forums. I eventually worked my way into the top 10, top 5, and at long last became the user with the second most posts read (behind UnitVector, The All-Seeing). At some point my goal went from being one of the top readers to actually reading HALF of the forums, which I accomplished a couple months ago shortly before AO’s release.

Currently, there are about 947 thousand existing posts on the forums. Of those posts I’ve read 512k (54% of the forum) and UV has read 715k (75% of the forum). That should put it into perspective a bit; I have 53 days worth of read time on the forums and just barely manage to float above the halfway point. I was also lucky enough to start doing this while the forums were basically at its most dead point; there were hardly any posts being made each day, which gave me a bunch of time to read through old posts while also staying on top of newly created ones. Ever since AO’s release there have been thousands of posts being created almost every single day, making the challenge so much more overwhelming. I hardly manages to get through each day’s posts, but still t try to keep up with reading them all when I have free time.

Something else worth noting is that there are probably many, many topics and categories that are invisible to the naked eye. First off there are unlisted topics, which only Staff and leaders can see. Then theres the patron-only sub-category, the Clan Reward subcategories, and potentially ones that I have no idea about like a tester category, a Staff category, and more. While most of these groups probably have minimal activity, they’d still contribute somewhat to completing the forums.

For reference, here are the top 10 forum consumers

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Div do a solid for me and get a life you zombie.