Woven Together

Name: Gabriel Banks
Gender: male
Age: 18 I assume
Weaving: gonna let you choose
Province: 13th

Good enought?

Okay you sure you donā€™t want to choose?

Name: Gregory Winchester
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Province: 12th
Weaving: Punchweaving

@discobot roll 1d5

:game_die: 2

@ItsNotMe You are a Windweaver

what exactly does magicweaving do?

Quick rundown of all five first-tiers

Water: water
Wind: wind
Flame: fire
Punch: physical strength channeled into actual energy
Magic: arcane energy

what exactly does the arcane energy do

It can manifest itself as a MUCH weaker form of one of the other four, and also adds some other just minor inconvenience

But like MUCH weaker

It sounds OP, trust me, it is not

Itā€™s actually quite balanced, thatā€™s why I made its stats lower (that and thatā€™s what ChatGPT gave me because I was tired when making stats)

Hereā€™s my character.

Name: Remi Jellani
Gender: boy
Age: 16
Province: 11th, i guess
Weave type: Punchweave

Im choking every enemy now

If I were to give it a proper name, Iā€™d probably choose either kineticweaving or forceweaving

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what does this mean?

Tell it to chatgpt

Would this work?

Icarus Suraci, male, 15, Seventeenth Province, Windweaving

Also yes I know that Icarus is like one of the most commonly referenced characters in Greek mythology I just thought it would be interesting to base my character off of him


First three players, and they all start with G


Whatā€™s that server?