Yeah, I like TGR and I'm in Suncry, how could you tell?


I can’t agree more.

wtf is this post even about, it literally proves nothing

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Yeah we don’t really farm as we got a lot of infamy as not a lot of players are close to us. As well no player wants to fight us so we hardly get an actual chance for getting infamy.


no clue my dude

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now suddenly I get accused of being this “angmar” guy all suspiciously by suncry members.
you have evidence to prove this??
i think not.
literally a screenshot of angmar and that is “proof”
very valid proof

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Dang, if Achen gets online then you know it’s serious

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it further proves how dumb the haters are and they continue to hate without actual valid reasons

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Maybe stop being so paranoid

Ermm let’s try to be civil with each other.

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you have evidence to prove we farm alts?
literally a graph from thin air, no other evidence to back up the graph and that is “proof”
very valid proof

youre being very hypocritical here

The suncry hivemind is being summoned
@Techlevel2000 Close this shit right now they’re all posting within 5 minutes of each other


Listen, you’re from Siberia. You have an edgy name and an edgy profile description, you legit used a site to make sure a document isn’t an ipgrabber (something Angmar would do), you’re using cringe reddit type posts on this forum.

I could list many other reasons as to why I think you’re Angmar, the similarities are that closely linked. You aren’t fooling anyone.

But I thought you wanted attention? Now you have it :skull:

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Every small guild wouldn’t try fight suncry and would log instantly if they see a suncry member, same with most rookie guilds, leaving only leaderboard guilds to have a consistent infamy gain, suncry is an opposition to what I just said, they, by leaderboard, arguably the best guild in WoM, and keeping that title would be easy due to the current situation of Guilds, therefore meaning there is no need to grind anymore infamy, as it would make the game less fun.

Wrong @-

Amngar, you are actually THE most retarded person on the platform. Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Dude you did actually try to pick a fight with SunCry.