Yes this is a boss drop shop (450+ RARES)

Yes this is a boss drop shop (450+ RARES)
convenience 4.6 15 fairness 4.785714285714286 14 trustworthiness 4.866666666666666 15

in terms of…?

In terms of what you want for it. Or are you asking me how am I going to pay for it?

Drama do you got power magic set ?

I think he means enchant and what you’re going to pay for it . Because the worst enchant would be forceful, but idk if he has that.

yeah I do

Nice can we contact on dizzy ?


Is that Discord, but bypassing ROBLOX’s chat filter?


exiled helm for a exiled leggings?

no ty xd

hey i got some exiled drops i wanna trade for a strong
vastira just tell me wich you want image

all of them gg ez :trollhd:

how the hell is this shop-

What kinda of shop is this

and I only seen you talking in the shop not in other posts
Kinda sus ngl

this is literally my shop


alright my second offer. an exiled leggings and minatour helm for an exiled chest piece

do you have a different minotaur armor piece?