Yet Another Person Complaining About AO Because of PVP

okay now im confused do you hate deepwoken or not

He never said he did, but i’d rather let Vetex speak for himself lol.

I like AO combat I think it look nice :smiley:


fair enough, can’t really tell if he hating on the game or the person making the video in that reply specifically, probably a mix tho:person_shrugging:

All I think about when watching AO combat is just the extreme amount of coordination it’s gonna take me to constantly switch out weapons/magic/styles lmaoooo :skull: :sob: :joy:

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Combat obsessed players are usually this stupid.

i just meant its pretty funny how before deepwoken was released, it had so many people blindly dickriding the game before the devs even showed or revealed anything about it, and yet now that AO is announced and I’m showing content of the game, those same people hate and say its overhyped etc. despite themselves hyping an unreleased game they knew nothing about too :skull: its just so ironic


hi vetex :slight_smile:

top 10 times forumer mald about game that never exist :scream:

bros making me think about making a video explaining that

you’re giving them sensory overload, they can’t handle a second massive game this different from the first one.


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“STOP JUMPING” ight bro I’ll tank all the blasts you put on me

its funny too cause those people are the exact reason I don’t want to show combat lmao, there’s no point showing anyone combat before its final otherwise they just cry. Kids really dug around to find clips of combat that wasn’t even meant to be shown yet just to hate on it since its not infinite comboing or M1 spam


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troll moment: show a short clip of someone getting comboed (staged)


mages in AO: (REAL)

true tbf, I can deffo see the frustration in having your creation be criticized by others while another one be treated as a godsend in the same case.


ye, some people dont know how hard it is to make something, they just literally have no life and sweat video games