Yet Another Person Complaining About AO Because of PVP

oh the misery

oh the m I sieieury

I can’t believe people would complain about a game with little evidence, hasn’t played it, the game isn’t even finished or released yet.

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That’s probably where most criticism for most games come from, unfortunately (or at least with roblox games)

People make bloated statements that are usually inaccurate cause of lack of information or experience and make it the focal point of their argument, while they can almost always be disproved once you actually play the game yourself

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bro tried to argue with selectorch and clearly didn’t check to see ANYTHING other than some videos from a year ago

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Dont think he really hates it, I think he just despises it’s community

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One of the weirdest videos I have ever seen ngl. I don’t get fools that can hype up a game like deepwoken with almost no leaks then shit on AO because outdated and unfinished combat leaks. At least vetex is willing to share with those of us who appreciate how good the game looks. Smh


the video was so shit it awakened this guy from a 2 year slumber :skull:

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watched the first few minutes and i disagree with it

i hate when people say vetexs games arent keeping up with “roblox standards” MF what standards? m1s and infinite combos? staying on the ground? thats what it sounds like they want


gotta be one of the dumbest takes so far

70 % the same as WoM ? …

And why always 70% ? 70% combat, 70% WoM ect …

He’s hearing valid points and just digging his heels in deeper because he’s both brainless and stubborn, perhaps the worst combo of traits.

oh god what now

bruhhhhhhhh :skull:

grounded melee m1 combat enjoyers pretending their favorite system has interesting tech, counterplay, and strategy. (it does not)