You might not believe this

Yes it did lol

mf older than theos by about 4 times

sunekns staff is like only 3 months old

nvm we got something worse than a dupe

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has anyone figured how people are stealing inventories?
(image to stay on topic)


I will never look at you the same again

opticalcord tries to stay on topic challenge (impossible)

also, its not like i care about you, at all

it came with renown glitch

i think theres an exploit that lets you make fake trades and steal items without the other side knowing

Right so like youā€™re still incorrect with what you said cause it has been around for months

I just want to play on my main file, I must continue my cultā€¦ Myā€¦ 2 member cult.

hey guys the trade thing is fixed; just donā€™t accept trades in old servers :stuck_out_tongue:


What server version number are the new servers?

it probably hasnā€™t changed, and if it did, I have no clue what it is, just look at servers made within the last 20 or so hours

Cool! Now i wont beā€¦ ROBBED!

you have got to be kidding me

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