Your 2nd saved image is why Vincent's reaction is like this

but why the ifunny watermark bruh :confused:

Guess bro hates my math homework

I would hate your math homework too

My handwriting isn’t that bad now

silly easy homework hehe

ayo did i just catch you using distributive property
i BETTER not find you in detroit lil bro… Only the big kids use calculators and skip 3 steps

Sent it first to my bestie because my second image was an image made by another friend for me to ask my bestie to keep a roleplay up and it has words in different language
But now my second image is this

Yea I see why would he have such reaction

I ain’t going to Detroit till they release the androids

vergil2 (1)

Aaaaaaaaaa thank you

I will fight you for the cat

Nuh uh!!

no slurcember starts

me spinning roulette wheel for subclasses in vesteria (I started with all of them)

(thank you)

Hmmmm why does this expression feels familiar…

Ah yes… Found it

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