Your dream magic variation?

Zeus’s lightning


A dark green poison would be cool (Nurgle looking magic).

My dream variant is a blue magma, but vetex has already said no sadly :pensive:

Blue magma blue plasma

I actually made an icon for that a while back hol on lemme find it

He also said no to blue plasma since it looks too much like a lost magic :pensive:

We’ll get blue someday I swear, no matter how long it takes

someone should ask vetex if a dark blue/green poison could work

I know people can make fun of dark green poison but who cares the concept is badass

I will make my own aa revival i stg

this lowkey fucking slaps though


green poison gas is such a common trope and this legit looks like it could happen

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Haha funny fart magic.

But dark green poison would be a cool lost magic that acts like a “plague” or “pestilence”, it also reminds me of the Nurgle faction from Warhammer 40K so even more of a W

Magma, Cool ranch edition

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dying rn

a lost poison would be pretty nice

just hoping fucking WIND doesn’t body it though

When I get home Ima try to make the magma revamp image blue to see what it looks like

Wait where are the revamp images :thinking:

The cw flash bad but at least they have the poison curse user

What’s the problem with wind doing good against it? It’s one magic out of like 20+ (even more when lost magics come)

wind is like already super OP though

such a common pick spells death for poison mains all over the warseas

Just go to the magic revamps folder in this

You realize poison still has like 150 impact damage right
Wind doesn’t change that


wind is like 200 or something tho

On what fucking build lmfao
Wind damage is getting nerfed too