You've become Vetex. What do you MODIFY?

everyone plays it cool until they see someone throwing around white fire


It could be worse
Imagine promethean magma magic

I’d remove free crown codes.

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Reduce sunken drop rates to 1/500.
Add the ability to reenchant gear since it’s already expensive as hell anyways and rng tied, making min maxing require getting several copies of hard to get items is just insult to injury at that point.

Blinding effects actually fucking work

modify my role from tester to developer supervisor so i can finally overthrow vetex and become perf [full release]

but why?

because it ruins the currency and base economy by allowing people to have an unlimited flow of crowns thus causing severe inflation.

It wouldn’t be bad if there was like every now and then a single crown code, but this many active at once is way too many.



I would just add the ability to create private servers if i became Vetex.

AO: Boobs Edition™

I’d modify your mom. /j
All jokes aside, I’d probably modify/balance magics.

boss drops turn into cosmetics

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