Zone, Domain and Realm spell

Zone, Domain and Realm spell
effort 4.428571428571429 7 quality 4.285714285714286 7 reasonability 3.5 6

It probably should be at least way taller than muneras spikes

Are these spells stackable
Like for example realm puls domain or realm plus realm.
Cuz u can stack FS modes(focus) is I’m correct

Will have a ceiling similar to a dome shape

They cannot be stacked and only one can be used at a time, they will share a cooldown. Else it’d be too OP.

I haven’t decided on a vertical height but probably high enough so that a person cannot high jump + magic jump out.

Jujutsu Kaisen
other than that, I fear some balancing

what about fighting style users using crash/rushdown in combat to soar outta there
it might need a roof tbh

fighting style users want to get close to dish out most of their damage therefore if they leave the zone then the spell did its job in repelling the attacker and also put them at range disadvantage

true, this only applies to airstallers that use thermo to get up high and spam moves

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