1.5/5 Meal

Curtesy of @Garlic_Bread and @lucky_303


Amazing art

The “skin” of mine is stale, but the inside is buttery, don’t trust that bud from the picture.

I am actually quite good at cooking, thanks, and about the art, you see, it is very unoriginal whatever you say. Anime styled arts with OC’s aren’t original, I’m just spittin’ fax my lad. Tell me, tell me a person different than Fran who does non-anime styled art that isn’t fully OC’s/Revon/Neviro/King/Carina/Sirens. Go ahead.

The legendary quote.

how about we rip you apart to check if what you said is true

Are you Stale because you’re a Garlic Bread or are you a Garlic Bread because you’re Stale?

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Finally someone spitting fax

That was my quote.

I’d say that none of these is actually true, garlic bread is rarely stale due to how quickly people tend to eat me. I am the ultimate pastry.

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Bruh there’s no way that isn’t megumi and toji

jokes aside, i really love the taste of garlic bread but only when its fresh, otherwise the taste is weird

Thats legit what I was thinking

If you genuinely see Megumi and Toji, you have lobotomized Down syndrome

Down syndrome

You might have down syndrome and at least 2 brain tumors if you can’t see the resemblance

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome
