1 new name

In this image i would like you to pay attention to the names that start with Em.

And now look at my name

I think you get the point. Even Emilia the Spanish counterpart of Emilio is there but Emilio isn’t so please its 1 more line of code. Just add my name to the game

Welcome to the forums :clap:

Thanks I honestly just joined to suggest this since it annoys me

Congrats on joining to add a singular name to the game :fr:

It’s important for me :confused:

To be fair we could use a few more names
A lot of the random NPC names (which are surnames) don’t show up on the list. This includes every surname beginning with “Mc” if I’m correct

Seems like i will have fun here

welcome to the forums.

Hey I complained about Callahan being an NPC only name, you aint alone here

Maybe someone who’s been here longer makes a post where people suggest names they want i game and since they have more experience the post will gain more traction than someone like me

Arcane odyssey is a 0/10 game because I couldn’t name my player character “Ronald Mcdonald”. This is horrible game design and I am extremely disappointed in the developers for this massive oversight. :rage: :pensive: :person_facepalming:

If I see a video in a year or so when several updates have happened and more names have been requested called “Arcane Odyssey: The quest for Ronald McDonald” I know exactly who to blame

Still better than Robbin Banks

You know I did have a plan back in WoM to get 10 people all with that name and all looking identical just asking random people where the nearest bank was and attacking them if they didn’t answer.

Unfortunately I could not find anyone to do it. This is because I did not ask anyone.

Raid failed :pensive:

It probably wouldn’t have even been that funny

If they add a clown mask it will