10 ~12 buttons to press

I assume you’ve read the trello already so…

When the gane is done, there will be three starter magics, and 2 others
There will be also be at most three weapons and usage
2 tools
the fishing rod that everyone’s exited about
and if they add fighting styles, yeah…

On Roblox, you can press 1 ~ 0, which is ten buttons
but there are twelve, so if I completely loaded my inventory with stuff, where are the other 2 buttons?

I think the fishing rod will be a tool

you can move tools into your backpack so you put all your pvp shit in 1-10

Actually, there’s 10 things you can equip:

This fills up exactly 10 slots so you won’t have to open the Roblox inventory UI. If you use a shield, you’ll probably save a slot.

you forgot about lost/primordial magics. ok there we go

what about the new fishing rod
oops i didnt read them all

The Fishing Rod is a tool.

Hmm, wonder if fighting styles will take up a hotbar slot.

Fighting styles once they come out

Dude, those are magics 4 and 5

I know. you don’t know the full context of it, dude.

The problem comes in when you add in melee fighting styles, which increases the total to 11.

Have you considered that, maybe, fighting styles won’t have a dedicated tool? Pressing the spell buttons while you’ve got nothing equipped would work pretty well.

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You do realise you would have to then be careful not to misclick and destroy things/hit a player/npc, right?


Reputation shield exists.

Rip neutral reps.

Even then players would be randomly punching the air all the time due to a misclick or what have you.

If being able to punch things hard enough to destroy them is a thing there is going to be a lot of accidental fines from this.

In what world does a single punch aimed at nothing destroy terrain and cause fines

Probably the same world in which a magic jump that causes no visible damage comes with a fine.

I don’t see primordial in the tiers man

https://trello.com/c/2luEy1UC The Trello is a valuable tool to use before making comments and saying things on forums