100km into dark sea - No epicenter


Some pick

Saw 3 of em


1 metal rain drop (i had 1,6k )

I think vetex should delete the sail movement all together, ngl

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epicenter is in a random direction in any server theres no guaranteed spawn its basically just rng

There is no turning back…

The Wasp Nest

funny thing.
the heavily armored brigs aren’t really that much of a threat since ship parts that would outclass a player’s minmaxed brig literally don’t exist.

I sunk one of these things and it only had 14k hp lol.

I am so glad vetex got rid of that stupid mechanic where if your ship gets hit by a SINGLE cannon volley you just die on the spot.

i think the title is for the ships “level” it dictates the captain level, crew level and loot in bronze and dark sea. (of course the ship parts too but as you said it doesnt matter right now)

epicenter moment

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