101 k inventory value

finaly got it

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yes ik I’m poor shut up

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Nice, keep up the grind for AO. :+1:

The only thing I have for AO is a clean mino set. I don’t even have a seasonal. :cry:

1 mil minimum :rage: (rank 1 day 1)

but nice job

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I have like 250,000 worth. Maybe 300,000

lol brokie!

I also have a magnetic collector fishing rod, idk its value though. XD

so rich how can i be like you?


thanks for the humiliation lol , i think it’s funny that you join the game just to show it off

I don’t care if I’m poor or someone is richer, it’s just a detail


ye. 101,000 is cool.

I recommend collecting every item possible for maximum inventory value.
common items are worth 10-25 crowns but that adds up.

im richer than you jajaj

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Rookie numbers


That’s pretty high though, better than mine at least.

except ur inventory is just headlesses and sunkens

you could’ve flexed
(image is 2 years old btw)

also I checked. My inventory is only valued at 200,000 sadly