1st and 2nd Magic Choice

Just gonna copy Maples format
file 1: :lightning_magic_var1: :fire_magic: :plasma_magic_var1: (mage)
file 2: :iron_magic_var1: :magma_magic: (warlock)
file 3: :shadow_magic: (savant)
file 4: idk
file 5: idk
file 6: idk

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Fire for my first and acid for my second since they work really well together

file 1 (warlock): :magma_magic: (:ash_magic: or :explosion_magic:) i like ash a lot because its pretty and fun to use (puddles + clouds sounds really fun) but i also like the idea of being super hard hitting and destructive so explosion could be cool

file 2 (mage): no plans right now and probably gonna be the last file i progress but i do have some combos i think could be fun such as :glass_magic: :ice_magic_var2: :crystal_magic_var4:, might even change it entirely and do a savant with sunlight

file 3 (warrior): :fr:

:ice_magic_var2: :snow_magic: :water_magic_var2:

Going :light_magic_var1: and thermofist, sounds fun.

51 posts were split to a new topic: Poison Synergies

1st - Earth
2nd - Metal

Currently I am just a really big fan of solid magics, and I have been a fan of slow but hard hitting methods of damage throughout various games. Something about stone and metal just hit right in terms of combat. I love the more aggressive playstyle required for these as well.

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acid and ash as a paladin for my main file, gonna try a DoT based build and see if it works.

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file 1: water/ice base & wind awakening
file 2: fire base & undecided awakening
file 3: lightning base & undecided fighting style awakening

i haven’t completely figured it out and might just bs as i go

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  1. :snow_magic: nothing else Skip 2nd magic for 2nd FS(Warlock)
  2. :earth_magic_var1: (Warrior)
  3. :fire_magic: (Savant)
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Same hat :nod:


drogba pfp W


First: :fire_magic: :ash_magic: ( :explosion_magic: ) - Mage
Second: :ice_magic_var1: :iron_magic_var1: - Warlock
Third: idk lmao

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i think it’s poison that’s ignited by plasma


Ink and paper
In a alternate universe

  • The clouds will ignite when a Fire Magic or Plasma Magic spell comes in contact with it, dealing both the DoT of the cloud and the DoT of the burning or scorching effect in the cloud.

(According to the wiki on ash magic)


I don’t think that’s correct for ash. It happens with poison clouds, but not ash clouds.

yeaaaaaah the wiki article is wrong i’ve never seen a scorched ash cloud in my life

The wiki doesn’t say they can combust ash clouds either, by the looks of it

fire/explosion or ash

explosion because petrified spam hehehehehe

ash because THAT’S A LOT OF DAMAGE