2024 Game predictions

Now that 2023 is ending, what do you think we will get in 2024? Nimbus P1 will probably come out late February or early march. What else do you think we will get? How high will the level cap be? Will we have professions?

I want explosion mutation

Silksong is coming out this year, I just know it

I think we’ll probably get at least 2 of the voted updates this next year

Controversial additions and questionable balancing. Plus maybe the Nimbus Sea.

Level cap will probably be 250~ at the end of Nimbus maybe.

We may get professions, but I’ll bet they’ll be kinda simple first coming out and they’ll either be controversial because players will whine about a system they can’t fully max, or it’ll basically just act like cooking and we’ll have some nerds maxing all of them after like a day.

this i hope

Lost magics by the end of the year, near second awakening would be genuinely mega cool

watch as we don’t get spirit weapons until gt6 releases

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More weapon skills

Lost Magics are lvl 300 minimum for Mages, so Third Sea probably, and for hybrids it’s lvl 500 minimum if they have 60% into magic

After we get Building Update in Q2 i hope Q3 at least gets us Spirit Weps right after it.

My hopes aren’t entirely too high for it winning though.

If Spirit Weps gets pitted against Professions i’m not too sure it’ll win at all. But we’ll see.

As the mindset of:
“Oh everyone will get this if i vote for it”
“Oh the largely often ignored part of the player base will get this if i vote for it.”

Professions ngl sounds like something that can come with the Building Update.

But given that it’s Clan Building. alongside having Town NPCs with the building system. There likely may not be enough space to have it get in.

If it’s pitted against Arcanium weps it’s more plausible that it’ll be able to win over it.

They both “feel equal in weight” but knowing that a majority of people seem to be Conjurer or whatever. I have my doubts it’ll win but we’ll have to see.

If it loses then at least we’ll get Spirit Weps before Full Release. .

Even if that may be in Q1 or Q2 of 2025+

From most likely to least likely to win, I’d say arcanium weapons, professions, spirit weapons, sensing


Also Vetex will kinda indirectly confirm our predictions for us, so there’s that.


3rd sea maybe by September or December

i think we will get the nimbus sea in 2024 tbh

Frigate for June 2024.

Watch when Vetex scraps Spirit Weapons altogether fr fr

If your right I’m going broke💀

Game dies due to destruction of code caused by another roblox update.