2024 Yuletide

Dont you guys think that this event is really sea based?

I understand that going from 1 side to another end of the map few times but selling 25 sealed chests is insane. I cant even see what is in front of me due to playing on graphic 3 yet this event level recommended is 1. Tell me how is a person who just defeated Iris supposed to sink 15 ships?


pretty sure the event is intended for max levels

This event is honestly terrible. This isn’t even blatant hate, I completed it and thought “wow, sailing across the ocean doing nothing and pressing E in NPCs really isn’t fun.”

i enjoyed it tbh

it was more of a story focused event than anything and i do love a good story

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Well that’s cool

Its literally level 1 neutral quest, I get 11 galleons for sellin 25 sealeds

i mean considering how strong the boss is gl if youre that low level :sob: :pray:

I didnt even fought boss yet because it takes me over half hour to go from othyrys to toymaker island

bro just do the event on a maxed out file wyd :sob:

Im using 98 speed brig

idk what youre doing where it takes over half an hour

in my brig it takes like 5 minutes

:sparkles: Lags :sparkles:

at that point it isn’t the event, its your device lol.

while yes, the mount orthys tree quest was bad, it was completable in like 10 minutes.

Yeah but its the fact that its lvl 1 quest

I guess if a level one wants to torture themselves in a rowboat, they can go ahead, but otherwise I don’t really see how the number on the quest is relevant.
who even reads recommended levels lol.
either I can do it or I can’t, one way to find out.

Couldnt even fight the boss because she wouldnt appear

Ok coming from someone who hasn’t completed the event but has seen stuff from videos and the forum

Pretty sure the tree quest at Orthys was getting a pine tree to use as a Christmas tree
Could be wrong

Why didn’t they just send you to Darkpine Isle? Or Cedar Arch (unless those are cedar trees) (that would explain the name)

Edit: idk why I put forums as plural lol there’s only one AO forum

I got my lvl 40 ass ganked by 5 lvl 60 snowmen after I did the Frostmill questline

Considering that you quite literally find the first quest on an easily visible spot of Frostmill, it’s only natural that new players will encounter it and think of completing it as it’s “an event quest accessible to low level players”.
What kind of new player wouldn’t want to enrich themselves with limited items like these? If it were me, I’d try to complete it before continuing the story.


that’s fair but I’m pretty sure that’s also why the ice elemental quest is one of the first in the chain.
you can get introduced to the event at level 1, but after that you’re going to get stomped to death until you level up lol.

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