64arc's Takes on Just About Everything

holy fuck its over for ao

domain expansion

I believe the Witch Hunting isn’t allowed as it could possibly go against Roblox’s own Terms of Use & Community Standards as following a user in every server of a game to attack their character and most likely bombard them with messages that aren’t appropriate for a 13+ game even could be considered harassment and bullying.

I also see a large amount of threads exploring the ideas of PvP Toggles, which, if you’re coming to read this whilst supporting the idea of a PvP Toggle, I advise you to stop reading and reflect on how much of an imbecile you might indeed be.

I don’t believe there should be a toggle button for PVP as it is a massive aspect of the game but I believe when the next update comes out that there should be a new level cap similar to like how you can’t PVP until level 50 since a for example level 200 which would get a whole 150 more stat points attacking a level 125 just embarrassing.

Also, you’re an asshole - you offered for us to call you that relating to killing low levels and I’m taking that freebie.

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Hear me out. If we kill all the low levels and make them quit, that means we have less competition in the future. No more low levels = less competition since there’s no more new players with more potential joining the game.

less low levels = less max level players = less people PVPing = less ganking

killing low levels is actually a masterful idea and everyone should do it. It’s mutually beneficial to both PVE and PVP players!

I was not aware of this when making the post, but could there still not be other rules imposed ontop of allowing witch hunting to prevent verbal harassment? I like your interpretation of my thoughts nonetheless though.

I understand that games such as Arcane Reborn have such a strategy implemented, and honestly, I agree that it’d do better things for the game, and I’m not gonna hold anything against you for critiquing that I’ve killed low levels alot.

A pvp cap increase going hand in hand with a level cap increase would be perfect for a game like Arcane Odyssey, or one with boundaries so that you don’t fight someone “too outside of your range”.

Nonetheless thanks for providing actual critisim towards what I said and not treating this topic like bait, this is the type of stuff I made the thread for. :sob:

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I’m a massive fan of PvE, I prefer it but I like visiting the forum’s PVP side as even though I am absolute dog water at it, it’s still entertaining to watch and see as I hope to one day not be dog water.

I get clapped all the time, I may or may not be contemplating neutralising myself since my fame is about to hit 100k and that’s just a big ol’ sign on my back saying “free fodder” since I have literally 3 player kills and they’re accidents when I’d help people kill bosses and they don’t invite me to party.

Also, I enjoy having non-arguments when it comes to the conversation of PVP since most of the time it’s “lol get better”, “ur just bad”, etc.

I didn’t think that the AO community would be so helpless to prove its case with violence. What a disappointment…

All problems would be solved if clan wars all ended like this


i read all that.
You have a talent, please keep it hidden.

Like i said in another post, if you want an adrenaline injection…cause drama on the forum, and then you will have a police assault right next to your door, witchhunting will never be allowed.

Please stop, and maybe fight somebody else of your level, no?

getting people harrased just so they could “adopt a healthier mindset towards being harrased by others” is wrong on many levels.
PVEr minding their bussiness? leave them alone, unless they started a fight first.

True, we need other infamy methods ngl, we’ll see what Vetex will cook in the future.

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I’d expect a pvp game to have pvp content in it

Vetex literally said that AO is supposed to be an exploration game, which isn’t meant to focus on PVP, but i guess that took a wrong turn.

I owned an entire clan upon the same label whilst having 1k+ player kills. It doesn’t get better on the ladder run whilst you can PvP players make no sense sometimes istg. :sob:

I’m not in support of randomly killing players regardless of Infamy nor Renown, it’s more of how you respond to it, because as harsh as it is, as a PvE Player, there’s always going to be a point where you get fucked with by a PvP Player and feel disheartened by it.

Developing a negative mindset towards another end of the community will only encourage you to stop playing the game, in my opinion anyways. I respect your dedication to your beliefs though.

You’re objectively right here don’t worry. I even took a hit at myself when admitting to it.

Honestly I’d be happy with anything for a new Infamy method at this point :sob:

From what I’ve heard, Arcane Odyssey’s primary focus isn’t to be a PvP game, as much as it is enjoyable and a very prominent issue for much of the community.

Even if it isn’t the main focus, it’s certainly a large part of the game that defines it. Many mechanics like renown and infamy are meant to be PvP based.

despite disagreeing with your views, you seem like a pretty decent guy who’s willing to listen
good job :+1:

I can’t contradict fact it’s so over for me. :sob:

Many thanks. :+1:

You still have to fight back mfs at ravenna

Omg hi pookie

I have nothing against pvp and, on the contrary, I often practice it in the game.

But I ask you to set certain boundaries in your position. Do not forget that there are quite a lot of children in this game and teaching them to prove that they are right through violence or to oppress those who are weaker is extremely immoral and moves society towards degradation.

Since the game is not a full pvp simulator, maybe it’s better to aim for healthy pvp rather than complete chaos?