64arc's Takes on Just About Everything

as the neptune co leader i can say this is UNTRUE! 64arc is a great individual!

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I heavily advise you reread everything I said in the original post & my replies, you seem to be very misinformed by what I’ve been trying to say on this topic.

Maybe you are right, but in the end…

What will stop people from not following exactly these situations? There always will be assholes who will just gank and witch-hunt someone for fun and make them leave the game.

okay, this is just silly…

no…toxic people in a video game are not causing the degradation of society…

but yes, i’d say its better for “healthly” pvp like munera 1v1s than ganking someone out of no where

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If the witch hunting victim chooses to, they can report the people in question, hence making them steer away from doing so.

But in the end, yes there always will be rulebreakers, that I understand.

Please keep the argument civil or I will commit unthinkable atrocities. Thanks!

If you remove witch-hunting rule, then you are unable to report people for that.
If you adjust it, so it is allowed in special situations expect leaderboard farm, then its will be even harder to prove that all conditions were met.

Okay i read everything here.

Time for my thoughts and perspective on this topic.


Here comes the wall of text.

Oh boy this section. .

Witch Hunting if i’m going to be honest gives me a slight apathetic indifference. With an unfavorable view given how far it can go.

Just let people be and not try to spawn trap and join their server 7+ times for 1-3 hours straight . .

I don’t think essentially forcing a person to go on their alt just to play that day is, a good thing. .


My experience in LB has only left me occasionally ‘Witch Hunted’ - like only 1-3 ppl server following me give or take - but i expected it since i was all they way up at War Saint/Guardian.

And it was only happening cause i just didn’t want to fight at the time.


The Clan scene in terms of Witch Hunting . . Is odd to say the least since i haven’t really heard or really seen any Clan Witch Hunting being discussed broadly.

Most of my Clan wars are us just seeing who can nuke/crash the server the fastest. And terrify our opponents by getting ready to self explosion, while talking about Sneep, Lore, and Touhou.

Overall my stance on this is, just don’t engage in weird behavior. Like don’t try to join their members and spawn trap them for like 1-4 hours straight.

Gank them like 1-2 times a week - if at all - every now and then infrequently. You might even add each other on Discord since that’s what happened in our last war.

Hang out and talk with them to this day.

Unless you’re that person that’s going around killing low levels, hunting them, stealing cargo, and making a topic about it. While keeping count too, then just don’t. lol

Leave em be, who knows it could be one of us leveling our 19th file and maxed out 2-3 files prior. That happens to be at Palo Town to finish the Boxing Mentor Quest for levels.

cough cough.

You know who you are.



For PvE Players, it basically just kinda there. That also happens to decide whether you deserve to lose 2 Legendary charts and have 1-3+ ppl gank you out of the blue.

You’d have to look at the PvP side of things for any complaints/issues there. Outside of us PvE players asking to have the option to be neutral at all times i guess?

For this i’ll just say neat when it comes to Fein.

But in terms of adopting this particular mindset, i’d say most could and probably would adopt it. If there weren’t annoying consequences just cause somebody said so and wanted to fight.

Most of the complaints come with the fact that a person is suddenly forced into a fight. And has something that can be lost because of it. Be it time, Charts - mostly charts - and or potentially Infamy.

  • Time is obvious as people value their time, this day and age should’ve been very clear on this front. . So people will reasonably complain a bit.

  • Charts i feel is where a good chunk of the complaints and frustration occurs. Since if you didn’t lose them on death most people would only be annoyed if you took whatever they were looking for.

  • Infamy in the PvE scene/sense is only cared for to an extent. Since a good handful of PvE ppl are using a Clan Bank - like me - so we can store our galleons for future use.
    I’ll discuss more on this the next section.

You can’t really resolve the time issue, and infamy is tied to PvP. But you can certainly help out on the chart issue. Which is where i feel most of the gripe is coming from, second going to time.

If charts weren’t an issue, then the RK mentality in WoM would likely surface again. And that ppl would be less stifled about it, outside a few ppl.

Oh boy PvE Clans.


I think i’ve said it before somewhere, but the likelihood of my original proposal to remedy this issue. Wasn’t ever going to be a thing or smth.

My original proposition would be to allow the creation/existence - be it via game made or player made - of Organizations similar to how Gravy and Syn exist.

No ties to infamy, but their own ‘Infamy’ in the form of doing PvE stuff. Like crafting, farming, fishing, sea monster hunting, legendary pirate/ghost ship encounters, etc.

Stuff that lets the PvE side have a breather and allow relationships to happen with the PvP side. Be in the form of items/resources that benefit both sides.

PvE players can help out the PvP players by giving them items to help out with PvP. And PvP players can help out the PvE side by giving them items that help out with PvE.

Or smth, idk. Anything that allows and makes a healthy positive interaction between the two worlds.

(Sort’ve the one thing i’d suggest if i bothered with going into suggestions.)

I mean AO is basically an MMORPG, and the world is just rich and primed for events and things to do. I’m sure we can churn out something. . But that’s getting into the subject of whatever Vetex’s vision for the game is.

And when all things are said and done, his word is the rule of the land.

That’s my take on how it could go.

But as i said way back up there, i remember vaguely that it cannot be this way at all. So we’re left back to the drawing board.

I’m honestly feeling like leaving this problem in a pin, and just see how Nimbus goes. And move on from there.

Most of the complaints were from Noble trying to start something up in the Forums. Which worked and got what they wanted.

While also getting into the frustration into getting into Dark Sealed loot pool, Because holy crap is it bad.

Getting Dark Sealed Chests to say the least is annoying to do while solo. And it’s guaranteed to be at least 1-2 hours of your time. Only to likely get something garbage and praying that you get at least 1 T2 Enchant you wanted.

But when you combine:

  • Dark Sealed Loot Pool frustration of how bad it is.
    • Paired with the knowledge of it being 1-2 hours or more, to get a remotely worthwhile amount.
  • Noble being a big PvP Clan - that has mods and testers in it - trying to start things again on the forums.
  • Seeing solo people - and maybe a group? Idk it’s been awhile since i saw the topic - get their Dark Sealed snagged with trash-talk added in.
    • Be it outside or in the Dark Seas as well, and seeing themselves potentially being subjected to it too.

And you get a lot of reactions, that’ll pour over leading to events up till now. The entire sentiment of Noble being reinforced, and having discussions being opened towards PvE and PvP Worlds, and more.

That still linger around to this day, and stuff i think about how we can resolve. As you can probably see with the PvE Clans section of mine i did earlier.


I was mostly absent in AO, as i was off doing other things with a friend group of mine.

So i have 0 idea on what the scene was like outside, the stupid Metal Pulsar situation.

And those foresaken Thermo Warlords and Airstalling in general. Holy crap that was annoying to see and deal with.

Outside of that around those time periods i likely don’t know or remember what happened.

But it seems you guys were having fun, and good luck on your ventures.

Just please don’t be like someone that wants PvE players eradicated and essentially bullied. .

For me it’s decently far away, and i’m not entirely concerned just yet over it.

We’ll just have to see once Nimbus arises and whatever the future holds. (If you couldn’t tell i’m slowly getting exhausted in writing. haha)

Will be neat to see what comes of the whole custom Towns, Guard NPCs, Workstations, and more. Can’t expect PvE players to be exactly silent on it . . So there’s definitely going to be discussion of Clans soon.

All it’s issues and things needing remedies galore.

And with that i’m done, i probably could’ve explained or extrapolated on things. But i haven’t eaten yet and been up for 4-5 hours now. And spent my time writing which can be very hunger inducing.


Time for a good meal after writing so much. aaaaa


Damn, I need this lvl of equanimity.

and when they don’t have 0 startup and 0 end lag*

You’re now my favourite person on this thread.

Yeah I’ve always pictured that witch hunting for leaderboard clans should atleast be allowed, as we already have witchunting for people on renown leaderboards.

I’ve had so many times where I accidentally gank a low level who’s just a player on a second file and regret it later, so I won’t argue with this. :sob:

I understand the issue with losing progress on charts, wholeheartedly, it sucks when people do that, but being in a clan, like in the OP, is like a beacon to be ganked.

I think if this is an issue then a personal bank for non gravy & asyn players should exist.

Don’t worry I’m not crazy. :sob:

Also my apologies for the half assed response, I’m about to go to bed but I’m busy all day tomorrow so I figured that responding now would be best.

bro you dont have to remind me abt great war :sob:

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how neptune vs hades really ended (this is Nico and 64arc in DM’s)



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I cannot be bothered to read allat so take a :+1:

64arc the goat

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