There’s also two extra major problems with the random pvp scene :
Lag/Specs :
Perssonaly I have a pretty dman good computer, I still rarely managed to go over 30 fps due to AO’s horrible optimization, but I get a nice 120 ping and a decently big screen n all.
And one day I tried to play on a laptop, it was, HORRID, 6 fps, tiny screen, ever saw that one fodder running away without looking above them? It’s because when your pc is bad enough you just can’t look around, you can’t move, your fps is too bad, some people don’t even have a fucking mouse.
Then there’s MinMaxing, oh boy don’t get me started on that one, when the game release it was pretty simple, you got some boss drops or sunkens, went too an alchemist or sealed chests and enchanted, and you were done.
Nowadays we have modifiers (absolutely stupid, they make Arcspheres more effecient than sunkens), Gems (just as dumb, their second stat is pure rng and they need an insane grind to get perfect ones) and everyones favorite thing, exotic enchants (dark sealed chest lootpool be like).
Getting a good set nowadays is a nightmare, and that’s just gear, your stat build is another story with the Synergy system, (hot take, synergies shouldn’t exist).
Did I mention the new Arcanium Set that’s coming is more effecient than Sunkens? And that on top of that some magics have different EFFECIENCIES (meaning one magic might give 2 power and 4 speed to the set while the other is a straight upgrade and give 4 power and 12 speed).