A big event it will happen next day

ive been working on a big event, mods will pin the post, and with a collaboration with Aimsell to promote the event so people outside the forum could hear about it, i would kindly ask you guys to support him by joing on his discord, there is gonna be extras, legit got a lot more than expected, so i wanted to post a small sneak peak but since it was a small misscomunication, he ended up showing most of the list, so go watch his video, the list is shown at 1:45

to be fair the list is a bit outdated, as for argos im already finish, and i just have to farm a bit of sealed chests


Should have expected that you’d be doing a giveaway. Still got a bit of trauma from the last one I participated in but at least you’re trustworthy.

@Killerdead can’t relate.

another massive day 1 expedition to add to the pile.
the more the merrier, can only hold so many players in one server lol.

if you arent there at that exact time, can you still participate in the giveaway? (yes i followed the instructions in the vid and did all of it)

yes ofc, the event doesnt have a set deadline, it ends when there are no more items

I will be hiring a Giant White Eyes to end your expedition.

white eyes actually spawned very little studs away from me in a diving spot and killed me

That was his little brother