A Bunch of General Suggestions

A Bunch of General Suggestions
effort 5.0 5 quality 5.0 4 reasonability 5.0 4

I’ve already made two of these kinds of threads for things specifically related to ships and the dark sea. Now, I have a handful of suggestions that wouldn’t fit specific categories very well. Some may still be related to the prior focuses, but not all of them will be. Let’s get right to it:

Treasure Chart Adjustment

Currently, whenever you are following a treasure chart’s trail, you will always dig up 4 treasure chests and a sealed chest until you eventually reach the last step which gives you extra loot. My question is, why is it like this? Why not let players get the extra loot from each step in succession?
(so for a rare treasure chart you still get the 6 total rewards from the second step since you get 6 rewards from the last step of an uncommon, and then you get the full rewards from the final step too)

Note that the amount of sealed chests that drop from these spots should probably still be 1 until the last step- but you get more regular treasure chests which has become much more valuable now that all of the treasure chest types have been condensed.

Base Ship Ram Strength

As of now, the Brig is the only ship that has extra ram strength. This extra ram strength is numerical, adding a flat bonus to the damage dealt by your ram. This, however, should be changed to be a multiplier to the strength of the ram itself. The reason for this is because of the amount of difference between weaker rams that are meant to move fast and between stronger rams with less speed. Currently, the numerical boost to ram strength has much more impact on rams with less strength but more speed. This partially undermines the decision between a faster ram or a stronger ram, since you can mitigate the decision heavily thanks to the current ram strength addition. Changing the bonus to a multiplier will make this less feasible.

This change shouldn’t apply to deckhands that add ram strength- in fact, their bonus should also be affected by the multiplier. This, I feel, would be a worthwhile tradeoff because of the other kinds of stats that deckhands can give.

Jail Time Alterations

Right now, there’s another active suggestion related to jailtime. I do think that’s a good suggestion, and I have another idea to throw into the ring. If jailtime has to remain in the game in its current form, I would suggest giving bounty players a “jail shield”. This shield makes it so that the first time they would be thrown into jail they instead do not get jailed and respawn as normal. After this, the shield disappears.

The shield will reappear under one of two conditions: either a real life hour passes (which can be spent offline) or the player is killed again, thrown in jail, and then either serves their sentence or is broken out and successfully escapes Silverhold.

Jewel Secondary Rerolls

This adds a new functionality to the jewelcrafting table- the ability to change a jewel’s secondary stat or to attempt to reroll the percentage on its effect. If you want to change a jewel’s secondary stat, you must provide 5 reagents as normal. This process also costs Galleons (and your items are refunded if you don’t have enough and attempt to do the craft).

If you want to reroll the percentage on the secondary stat, you only need to provide 3 of the reagent initially used for that jewel alongside a Galleon cost. This process will never reduce the bonus gained by a jewel- if you reroll and the roll is lower than the current stat, it will simply not be changed.

Both of the above processes should provide jewelcrafting XP (not nearly as much as making jewels from scratch) and the galleon cost is equal to the cost to upgrade a jewel from the previous tier to the current one (so it costs galleons equal to upgrading from brilliant to perfect to attempt to modify a perfect jewel)

Crafting Station UIs

Instead of having to place items into a crafting station by holding the item and pressing E (cooking pots, cauldrons, and jewelcrafting tables are these stations) you should instead be able to press E to open up a crafting UI.

This crafting UI would make crafting much more intuitive, especially if you only show relevant items towards the crafting types in question.

The game should also keep track of your most recent crafts when it comes to food and potions, so you can just click a single button to automatically make those items. This may also work well with a recipe favoriting system, like Tears of the Kingdom having the ability to favorite autobuild constructions.
Lastly, these UIs would make having a system which lets you craft many of the same item at a time very easy.

If you want to make things even more intuitive specifically for brewing, you could make the UI check your inventory to see what types of potions the materials you have on hand can make. From there, you can check off dropdowns to determine the potion type, effect, and tier. When doing so, the game will tell you what materials you need for the specified parameters by hovering over each one individually, or over a box at the right side of the crafting UI which would be where you can take the end result to see what materials you need for the fully specified potion.

Item Favoriting

Simple and easy suggestion. When in the inventory, you are able to set an item as your favorite. When no filters or sorting parameters are in place, favorited items automatically sift to the top of your inventory. Items that are favorited cannot be traded or sold, and are not visible to players viewing your inventory through the trade screen.

Dark Sea Ship Revive

With this change, player ships in the dark sea gain a similar clause to players, where when the ship’s HP hits 0 the ship has 60 seconds before being completely sunken, during which time it cannot move (or can only barely move) If the ship can be repaired enough before those 60 seconds are over, either through repair hammers or cargo being spent, the ship will be revived on the spot. Much like player revives in the Dark Sea, this can only be done for a ship once per expedition.

The exact amount of required repairs should be different based on the ship, with some weaker ships not having this option due to the rough waters of the Dark Sea. The repair requirement should avoid being percentage based, so as to prevent ships with a metric f-- ton of durability from being too difficult to revive in time. The requirement would instead be a flat amount based on the base ship type.

Deckhand Reserves

The Trello already says that a UI to deckhands is intended to be added, and with the confirmation that changes to deckhands are being made with the next update in the coming weeks I figure now’s a good time to suggest this.

You have an amount of reserve slots equal to the slots on your biggest ship plus 1. You equip deckhands out of these reserve slots. I have some ideas on how to get more reserve slots:


Straight up paying for them. Paying a lump sum of Galleons either to an NPC or on a hypothetical deckhand select screen allows you to get extra reserve slots. These slots go up in cost considerably the more you buy.


You could potentially tie some deckhand slots to renown? Unlike the current deckhands, you would only need to achieve 500k renown ever to get all of the slots through this method (gaining one at 50k, 100k, 250k, and 500k) in comparison to needing 1.25m to max out deckhands currently. These slots remain even if you later lose your renown.
I put this as a single suggestion since I do not believe that this should be guaranteed to be added as a way to get more slots without others to go with it- it’s just an extra option for the people who are interested in gaining renown and should not be the only option to getting more slots.

Legendary Deckhands

If hiring and upgrading deckhands no longer requires renown, tying some extra reserve slots to the amount of Legendary deckhands you have might encourage players to use some deckhands more- especially if deckhands can only go up in level or tier while they are equipped to your ship.
The game would only keep track of the highest amount of Legendary Deckhands you have ever had at one point, so firing legendaries to train more will not give you more slots, nor will it take slots away.

Titles Owned

Getting extra reserve slots based on how many titles you own (non LB/donation related ones) would make sense thematically because of your name getting out there more thanks to your achievements, and would be nice from a gameplay perspective because it encourages players to interact more with systems they may otherwise ignore.

The titles that would give slots in the current game state would be Bronze Sea Explorer, Bronze Sea Diver, Bronze Sea Abolitionist, True Captain, and Master Angler. It may take multiple of these titles to get a slot. Titles related to being on the leaderboards or related to donating a lot of Robux should never contribute to the slots you have.

I’m open to hearing more ideas on what you guys think could be good objectives to getting new reserve slots, and will edit the message accordingly to add them.

Reagent and Food Encyclopedia

This one’s relatively simple. Like the fish encyclopedia, there should be an encyclopedia for any potion reagents, raw food, and potion catalysts you obtain. This encyclopedia would also give you a clearer indication of where you can find items by giving specific island locations or otherwise listing the way you obtain them.

If you were to add a tutorial popup that tells players about the existence of this encyclopedia, it could be a useful in game resource to help new players along.

Tutorial Book

Another simple one. A “book” (menu option) which allows a player to review any tutorial they’ve seen or any other tip that they’ve seen pop up on the bottom right corner of the screen or elsewhere would also be another good resource for new players to have an in game way to figure out game mechanics. If these tips are made to be more relevant towards the player’s current actions, and give the player a notification on their HUD related to the tutorial book having a new entry if it’s the first time they’ve seen the tip, this will help clear up a lot of confusion about the game’s mechanics.

If this suggestion or the above suggestion about the encyclopedia get added, I believe that they should be condensed into the current “Fish” menu option. That menu option would become the “Encyclopedia” option, with tabs within that let you pick which part you wish to view. You could also potentially allow the encyclopedia to transfer across files, though items not obtained on the currently selected file are greyed out (instead of being fully black) while still letting you read the entry.

Trading Hub Servers

These servers would be similar to Elysium servers- separate instances from the main game that have most game mechanics (including PvP) removed, and highly increased player caps. This allows a relaxed environment which allow for players to more easily find each other to trade (either to strike up deals with people on the spot or as a meetup place for trade posts that were posted in the Discord server or here on the forums).

I don’t know how much people would like this idea, but I feel like the traders amongst us would definitely enjoy something like this and for the players in the main game servers it keeps server slots free for the people who would play the game instead of waiting around for their trade partner to join

Chat Log Scroll

This one’s pretty simple- enable players to scroll up further on the chat so that they can go back and reread things further in a conversation. Having different chat tabs for spell/ability names, system messages (such as people getting badges, dying, or catching legendary fish/completing legendary treasure charts), and the actual chat (alongside a tab that condenses all three) would also be a nice touch for this.

I know this is possible, because other Roblox games with proximity chat (chiefly Arcane Lineage) do it. It may take some doing, though, so it’s understandable if it’s not the primary concern.

As always, the first comment will contain a poll. Due to the amount of suggestions in this post, it will be multiple choice. Pick the any or all of the ones that you think would be best. If you have good ideas for other suggestions like this, feel free to reply with them. I can edit this message later to add them (alongside giving you credit for the ideas).

Edit to add:

Game Optimization Thoughts?

I think the best way to handle game optimization would be to make a setting to reduce the intensity of particle effects or to somehow make them take up less resources in general. I know Vetex likes big flashy effects, but it seriously tanks the game’s performance.


I’ve got two polls this time around! The first is for all the general suggestions, and the second is specifically related to the deckhand reserves suggestions.

Which ideas do you like?
  • Treasure Chart Adjustment
  • Base Ship Ram Strength
  • Jail Time Alterations
  • Jewel Secondary Rerolls
  • Crafting Station UIs
  • Item Favoriting
  • Dark Sea Ship Revive
  • Deckhand Reserves (just in general, not singling out specific means of getting them)
  • Reagent and Food Encyclopedia
  • Tutorial Book
  • Trading Hub Servers
  • Chat Log Scroll

0 voters

Note that for the below, these options would only impact how you get more deckhand slots. The way to upgrade the ones you already have would be however Vetex plans to change it in the coming update.

For the Deckhand Reserves, which ways to get slots do you like?
  • Purchased with Galleons
  • Obtained via Renown
  • Obtained through Legendary Deckhands
  • Obtained through Titles Owned

0 voters

i am so smart i figured out how to make making polls SO MUCH EASIER you would NOT BELIEVE

ive never liked groups of suggestions cuz votes make much less sense and anyway small individual suggestions are always more likely to be considered, but whatever gotta comment each one separately

dont really care but why not

yeah multipliers make a lot more sense

id prefer a shield after the first capture preventing from going in jail multiple times over a set period but anyway better than nothing


beside the last paragraph that seems to take much longer to add than the base system, its fine

beats adding even more precise filters just to end up taking 10 min to find specific items that you could just favorite anyway

dont need to make the dark sea easier. beside a brig that shouldnt even be in such early layers as i know randomly ramming then shooting the hell out of your boat while you arent there, theres not much truly unfair ship deaths in the dark sea. the entire expedition revolves around keeping the ship afloat until you leave and that sounds either too good of a change or prolonging an expedition that really should have been over at this point
…not that i would complain if this was added

cant say much about that cuz i have no damn clue how deckhands will work later (and ill use that excuse to not have to read everything)

eh sure why not

im pretty sure night suggested or mentioned that multiple times and these never got anywhere from what i remember. still a very useful feature anyway

nah screw “professional” traders
got no arguments against that, i just hate them. although at least i’d see less of them in the main game so…

dont really see who would use the attack name tab but whatever its better than nothing

i knew i should have put all the parts of that into their own dropdowns, one second

what’s the use for having a shield after a capture? The idea is to give players the option to avoid it entirely.

I just figured that making things more intuitive would help new players, and in that moment I didn’t really realize that would take a bunch of extra time- and hadn’t until you brought it up.

this part right here is exactly why I suggested the dark sea revive in the first place- that, and also the fact that if you go in with a single ship then you’re kind of screwed if your ship sinks- and since the ship takes constant damage when unattended that can lead to problems

that just means its a good suggestion, if multiple people came up with it

actually never knew that, I just did it like this because I’ve done two other suggestions formatted like this (as I mentioned, one related to ships in general and one specific to the Dark Sea)
I just don’t want to drown out the forum with all these smaller things

psst the polls aren’t meant to replace voting and commenting

Keep cooking

Why not let players get the extra loot from each step in succession?

to add onto that, maybe instead of charts spawning on only 1 part of the ground maybe make it so they generate in an area, and if u dig into one of those parts that are in that area, u complete that chart

mostly because charts in places like palo, windrow, or ravenna are super annoying to do sometimes, because of the islands having so many ground parts for charts to spawn into, finding that one specific one is gonna take a while (tho goldsight does certainly make it easier i love goldsight)

Jewel Secondary Rerolls
This process will never reduce the bonus gained by a jewel

nice, it would make it easier to minmax stuff like exotic jewels, maybe the galleon price could rise slowly if you keep on rerolling the same jewel?

Crafting Station UIs
Item Favoriting

could definitely work together well, maybe if you get your proffesion levels up to perfect you can kind of predict what range of hunger or effect duration you’ll get from cooking something, maybe for brewing you could even gauge the hp/ damage a potion will do

item favoriting feels like it might clash with the loadout gamepass a bit tho, doubt vetex would add it

Reagent and Food Encyclopedia

nice, may be a gateway to adding more titles, such as the ones you get from filling up your fish journal (vetex pls fix the bar is empty even though i have every fish)

Chat Log Scroll

tbh why isnt this in the game yet, the lack of chat history was annoying in WoM too


Or limestone key, don’t forget Limestone Key.

You should suggest that they add better game optimization and better optimization option
Rn lowering your graphics quality literally just lowers ur render distance and doesnt do anything (for me)


I feel like saying optimizations need to happen without giving examples would be a bit of a moot point, but I do have a thought on that.

im very surprised, not really anything i can disagree with here.
really like reserve deckhands, as i have a deckhand that i like but they boost magic storage which is now useless as i took out my arcanium cannons + ram for dragonfire carronades and hammerhead ram.

Not sure if that part specifically is viable, I know healing potions are percentage based rather than straight numbers and I think harming potions are too, not sure for the other damage ones

the loadout gamepass still has a place since it lets you assemble entire outfits together at once instead of needing to go through each tab to find the items from your favorites and equip them still

Maybe? I’m just worried about if that could cause data storage to be too high- but if the jewel keeps track of how many times it’s been rerolled and that won’t be too much of an issue to store the data for, it could work

At the very least the marking enchantment helps mitigate the problem of spawning on only one part, but I believe I recall Vetex saying he plans to revamp how treasure chart steps work in the future? I forget if it was related to the rewards or just how you get to those rewards

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Never stop cooking.


I don’t intend to stop cooking, though I think I’m tapped out on ideas for a while

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