A Great Idea! For a quick WOM update

I really want vetex to add 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th magics to WOM which would make the game a bit more chaotic and also allow people to make unique builds and have magic that could help them grind or have fun.
For the lvls for each magic.
2nd magic like lvl 150
3rd magic like 400
4th would be 700
5th would be lvl 1000
That wat i would suggest for each magic we unlock!
I hope vetex adds this

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I am guessing adding this in could be quick for vetex to add this.

Pretty good! I think, though, the requirements should be adjusted slightly. Something more like this:

2nd magic: Level 250
3rd magic: Level 500
4th magic: Level 750
5th magic: Level 1000

This is to make it more consistent as well as make some harder to get, as people typically are in the hundreds or thousand. Some people are Level 7,807 though, so it won’t make much of a change to them.


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that is prob the best lvl requirement for each magic unlock and i was thinking i should have used that

Only thing that would be difficult to do would be doing magic tiers if vetex decides to do it for the extra magics, so that theyre all not instanly as massive as your first magic

Magic tiers?

The thing in AO where the more stat points you have in your chosen build the larger the skill, and as with Mage, your 2nd magic is always smaller than your 1st magic as it is of lower tier

To be entirely fair here wom suggestions aren’t allowed in suggestions either

Alien Cat | Know Your Meme

He is dead, pay your respects

Guys hes on his KOS list its over :pensive:

Whose Dead?

Wat Kos list?

I never knew so I guess vetex wouldn’t add this to WOM but I guess it was a cool idea

They are joking… or not.


there’s alot of lvl 10ks nowadays, @Rr0b0c0pP is level 10k for example and he set the current record on another file iirc

do u know how to do the ironport bug?

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