A little story of how one finds out about Vetex's greatness

I made a joke about it earlier and figured I’d write about it so here ya go –

Peering over the edge, I confidently thought to myself
" eternal darkness aye? I beg to differ. "
Taking one last look at the charred expanse of forest behind me.
I once more turn to the abyss in front of me, it’s length and width stretched out as far as the eye can see. It’s depths were the same.
My resolve solidified, I took a few steps backwards then sprinted towards the abyss.
As I reached the very edge, I slammed my right foot into the ground and propelled myself forwards into the air.
Within a blink of an eye, I began to rapidly plummet.
At first I could still see the rock walls but after a few minutes all I could see was pitch black.
10 hours passed, then 24, then a week?
I had long lost track of time, I fell in and out of consciousness as I continued my descent.
After awhile I, strangely, stopped feeling hunger and thirst, the abyss seemed to supply me with everything that I needed as it embraced me.
I was in the middle of wondering if I would ever reach the bottom, when I saw an ever growing light below me.
“A light? In this abyss? At this depth? What could it possibly be?” I pondered as I rapidly fell towards it.
Some more time passed and I had to tightly close my eyes as the light became painfully bright.
Suddenly the light intensified by seemingly ten fold and even with my eyes glued shut, burned as if my little sister was showing me the contents of my password locked homework folder.
I must’ve fainted from the pain because I shot awake as I collided with what felt like a pair of ultra soft anime ti-- titanic sized sheep.
No longer falling through the air, I seemed to be slowly sinking into the light.
It was no longer blindingly bright, Instead it was warm, soft and somehow comforting.
Before long I began to nod into sleep, unable to resist the light’s comfort.
That’s when it hit me.
A grand revelation.
I now knew why the cult worshiped Vetex!
I saw the light…

  • Written by CoffeeAndNums, 7/22/2021

In reference to the joke it was this –

Speaking of the cult, if ya haven’t already, go vote for it!
Cause we’re Vetex’s followers (cult) and we like to do random shit for no particular reason.

i will join if i get drugs

define “drugs”
If getting a constant surge of explosive dopamine as you behold Vetex’s greatness, counts, then yes, we have drugs.

like cocaine
those kind of drugs
and not that soft ‘‘drug’’ shit which is just medication
im talking bout the real shit yknow

Unfortunately we no longer have those kinds of drugs. Some of our order used to be really into the hard stuff but when Vetex figured out that some of the order was turning away from him in pursuit of them; he destroyed our entire supply and banned their use.

i will join if you give me ingredients for meth and i will cook meth and dissolve it in water and give it to this vetex man you speak of

I must politely decline as even in this moment, Lord Vetex is watching over us, ready to smite me down if I stray from the path.

i will kill vetex if he does not unban hardcore drugs with chemical weapons

We shall keep an eye on your endeavours :eyes:

are you going to try harm me for threatening vetex because i will kill you too

We have no need for such action. Vetex shall surely handle the matter.

nah bro i can literally create highly explosive shit he aint gonna try even face me

yeah thats right
give up
you cannot handle phd chemistry
now i am going to make methe

i am also in madness combat as you can see
check project nexus ost and you will see my name at the bottom